Debbie says the buck stops with her but still blames the ‘Russians spies’ – IOTW Report

Debbie says the buck stops with her but still blames the ‘Russians spies’

VG: Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Friday that she did nothing wrong as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, but resigned to avoid becoming a distraction as Hillary Clinton was about to become the party’s presidential nominee.

Despite the critical verdicts delivered by cable TV talking heads, supporters of defeated presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and her own congressional primary opponent in South Florida, Wasserman Schultz said she ran the national party in a strictly neutral manner as the two presidential candidates battled through the primary season.

“I stepped aside because at the end of the day we had emails that were stolen, stolen by Russian spies, and that really whipped so many into a frenzy that it became a distraction.”


20 Comments on Debbie says the buck stops with her but still blames the ‘Russians spies’

  1. Debbie must think the Russians penned all the inflammatory e-mails and developed hillary’s and DNC’s strategy.
    Heck, maybe they did, if not the chinese or saudis.
    That foreign money they take isn’t for free.

  2. That’s telling, Debbie can be bought with a buck.
    Cheap progressive whore.
    At least Hillary takes $Millions to be bought and paid for.
    Very expensive whore willing to trade national security for power and position.

  3. Sorry, Tailgunner Debbie, Guccifer 2.0 rendered that lie inoperative. And having grown up during the Cold War, I must say that it is surreal to see Democrats like you and Hillary wailing about Russian spies under every bed. Maybe you can get HUAC cranked up before you get primaried.

  4. Stupid idiot! The ‘Rissians’ would have had ‘NOTHING, NOTHING’, if the liberals weren’t so damn cocky sure that they could just walk all over the American public.

    Why blame the Russians, when the current president and Clinton have set percedent, with their own in-your-face criminal activity, using the Constitution and Bill Of Rights as toilet paper.

    No excuses, just do it and damn the people. What are they going to do? Sic the congressional eunuchs on them? Or the Federal Bureau of Barrack? Oh, I know, lets ‘investigate’, lots of money to be shifted that way!

  5. Yesterday Joe B. was in Tallahassee, doing a fundraiser for Patrick Murphy, who is trying to outdo Alan Grayson to get the far left loon democrat vote to go up against Rubio.
    This guy even features ads with BHO supporting him.
    They got food at a local soul food diner and Joe ordered him some black eyed beans.

  6. Another ugly, yuge assed, lunatic who should be in jail or an asylum.
    I’m not a Trump fan but how in the world can anybody with half a brain vote for the criminally insane?

  7. Another P*ssy Likker for Cankles….there are fewer men stepping up for da Hilldabeast….Pauly doesn’t count, he lost his ‘nads long ago… now the liars in the Propaganda machine of Josef Goebbels are playing that worn-out poll snatching game again….Few believe them, so just STFU and get out da door, bitches… NOW we have talk-speak again about Slick’s bad health…his end is in sight for the sympathy vote..buhbye Slick…

  8. This poor excuse for a human, has been ridden really hard by the Clinton steam roller, and now she is tossed aside. I can hear the whining of betrayed feelings, as she licks her wounds. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

  9. “I’m responsible, but it’s not my fault.”

    The same tired, old, stale refrain sung by every fucking maggot politician caught with her pants down.

    “I lied to the Demonrat Party Faithful and to Bernie’s donors and supporters, but I got caught sucking HRC’s ass on National TV by Russian spies!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. So… wait. They’re all (mostly, some, a few) forgeries. Right? I mean there’s a “From:” box, a “To:” box, a “CC:” box (and, maybe, a not quite “top,” secret “BCC:” box). How is The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy(TM) continuing to suppress all the senders, recipients, and others who were named in those messages from publicly calling “Bill Shut!”? Or at least telling the internets?

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