deBlasio opens legalized heroin injection sites in New York City – IOTW Report

deBlasio opens legalized heroin injection sites in New York City

PM: Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Health Department announced Tuesday the opening of the first legalized heroin injection sites in the US.

Addicts can bring illegal drugs to these locations and inject them under supervision. According to officials staff at the locations will administer medication to reverse overdoses, give out clean needles, and provide information on addiction treatment. They claim that the staff will not be providing the drugs. more

13 Comments on deBlasio opens legalized heroin injection sites in New York City

  1. …also, always remember to mask up when shooting something into your veins that was made in unknown origins with unknown impurities and smuggled into the US in someone’s ass. Gotta be safe.

  2. “and provide information on addiction treatment.”

    Why would a heroin use GAF about treatment when he’s allowed to shoot up in a “safe space?” Someone is gonna trip out HARD, murder a staff member, and this little experiment will be shut down.

  3. Why not give out free “hot shot” to every junkie
    that wants it. {hot shot is street dealer term
    for a uncut load that will kill a junkie a dealer
    is tired of}

  4. ..because they WANT to wreck the neighborhoods around the “clinic” with vice, theft, robbery, disease, and rape, and prostitution not only for themselves but their children as well.

    Because they WANT people to poison not only themselves but their unborn babies as well. Look up “heroin addicted newborns” for a fuller explanation.

    Because they WANT to facilitate the destruction of families and the sorrows of freinds.

    Because they WANT to make the “patient” chronically unemployable and entirely dependent on the State.

    …as I’ve said before, my experiences both personal and professional with heroin addicts makes it impossible to properly convey my disgust at these fuckers who either know NOTHING about heroin addicts and the destruction they cause, or they know it very well and it’s deliberate spreading of misery, terror, and death.

    God damn them to hell either way.

    I have to stop there or I’ll get arrested. I’ve seen that shit destroy too many people, many of them NOT EVEN THE ONE TAKING THE DRUGS.

    There WILL be an accounting for those felching Democrats one day.

    I only hope I live long enough to facilitate it…

    (“Felching” is NOT a typo BTW. It’s what they DO.

    …look it up if you can’t guess…)

  5. MMinWA DECEMBER 1, 2021 AT 1:09 PM
    “Good. Make sure that they have the purest heroin available. Free.

    There’s the solution that solves the problem.

    Oh and no Narcon, no ERs, no EMTs”

    They DO have Narcan, but Narcan won’t save you from a massive Fentanyl OD.

    But no one will “die” there, statistically.

    …See, they play this game where no one will DECLARE them dead on-site,they will be “declared” dead at the hospital, and the “clinic” will never be mentioned.

    So no one will “die” there.

    Except for their honor, decency, and dignity, and ability to be a productive human being, that is, all things that Democrats don’t know anything about and would be violently opposed to if they DID…

  6. Diblasio may go down as a true hero, he just need one more thing to do, ban NARCAN from these shoot up sites. Let em all O-D and make a nice pile. Throw my piece of shit Aunt in there with them

    No cries of racism where the sites are huh, Harlem and Washington Heights, love it

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