DEBUNKED: Unattainable Women’s Beauty “Standards” – IOTW Report

DEBUNKED: Unattainable Women’s Beauty “Standards”

Steven debunks the popular belief that women are held to higher beauty standards than men.

11 Comments on DEBUNKED: Unattainable Women’s Beauty “Standards”

  1. Women hold other women to ridiculously high standards. That IS true.

    I think that expecting basic human hygiene from men isn’t an unfair standpoint to have either.
    Maybe it’s just my family (I doubt) but I have a couple of brothers and all of my uncles- who are out and out gross and need to take better care of themselves.

    That aside-

    This whole ‘beauty standard’ argument needs to be tossed and relabed for what it really is which is ‘entertainment industry standards’
    Anything harmful or shallow or ridiculous about body maintenance stems from there- (and from there I mean the porn industry).

    No porn = no problems anymore. End of discussion.

  2. Is it just me or has Crowder and his posse become annoying?


    I kind of get his point.


    I like all women. OK. That was a lie. I don’t like extremely beautiful women that are liberal. They shrink dick me when they speak.

    OK. Men are all paralyzed.

    There is the toilet seat up/toilet seat down issues in the unisex bathrooms. And at home.

    Women like to be told they are attractive.
    Except at work. Then it’s off to HR for you, PHenry. I mean, Paul. Not that the issue has ever come up because we work with unattractive women.

    But if we did….

    The next civil war will be fought in the bathroom and boardroom.

    Just sayin.

  3. I like Steve, except when he veers off to his side kicks too much and ends of taking 3-4 min to make a point that he could make in 1. I saw that this video was 15 min, gotta pass on that. There will likely be a good 5-6 min of “randomness” in there.

  4. They say America has a ‘problem’ with obesity
    Yeah, well fat is a nutrient bank account held close to the vest.
    I know what our enemies think: Shut down our power grid and we’ll all starve and they can invade.
    Go right ahead squinty boi.
    Three months into a famine in China, they will lose a million people.
    That long in the Midwest and you will have flappy skinned murderous savages hell bent on revenge. And they have plenty guns.
    All we will be is pissed

  5. The world is in the shape it’s in largely because women, as a group, are vain, childishly emotional and stupid, entirely apart from the evil of porn being a major driving factor.

  6. Two waffles and two strips of bacon and we are a deadly fighting force.
    #TW2SoB. Two waffles two strips of bacon.
    Yeah. An Imaginary hash tag that I Invented but don’t have the energy to launch.


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