The New FORD Ad Backfires – IOTW Report

The New FORD Ad Backfires

Debunking The Ford Explorer Without Parts ‘Created by Women’

29 Comments on The New FORD Ad Backfires

  1. It’s really sad when a low-confidence male simps for a woman. It is doubly sad when a corporation does it for the XX crowd as a whole. Mental, philosophical, and biological weaklings.

    So which aggrieved cry-baby group are we celebrating this month? Did we ever assign a month to the left-handed, intersex, gap-toothed, freckled, only child who stutters and only has 4 fingers on the right hand?

  2. Women are wonderful and have contributed so much to humankind. That being said, I’m sick of movies like Hidden Figures which push the narrative that it was black women that put men on the moon. They did, indeed, make important contributions to the space program, but to say that we would have not been able to get men to the moon without them is ridiculous. It took 400,000 people working together to accomplish that feat.

  3. “It’s April Fools day, so its impossible to tell whether or not half the stuff people are posting online are jokes and memes or if it’s just liberals being themselves.” (Mark Dice)

  4. I watched a doco about building the Saturn rocket that was used in the Apollo flights. To this day still the most powerful rocket ever made.

    Over 250,000 people were working on that rocket. It went into the labs, manufacturing facilities, test grounds, launch pad, control rooms…Didn’t see 1 woman or black guy, everyone was a white male.

    To compensate they used a black narrator. Serisly!

  5. Dr. Hambone,

    Right, Someone had to make the Coffee & prep lunch.

    (should I ask for forgiveness now from the girls or wait until it blows over)

  6. @Kcir – you owe me a new keyboard! 🙂
    I could see a decent April Fools ad from this. The ‘Men’s Edition’ wouldn’t have GPS, rear-view mirrors, heaters, etc. BECAUSE REAL MEN DON’T NEED THEM. Or something like that.

  7. I bought a brand new car last week, and the first thing I did was change the voice of Alexa to a man’s voice. The one that they had as default sounded so much like my wife that I couldn’t bear a second woman giving me directions and telling me how to drive.

  8. Dr. Hambone
    AT 1:31 PM

    “…They did, indeed, make important contributions to the space program, but to say that we would have not been able to get men to the moon without them is ridiculous. It took 400,000 people working together to accomplish that feat.”

    …but there are NO unimportant jobs in a collaborative effort.

    …I once read a story in his semi-autobigraphical book “U-505” where Rear Admiral D. V. Gallery wrote about in one of his early commands in WWII was a PBY naval wing that was stationed there for anti-submarine warfare, that when they made their first kill he had a celebration to honor the crew and included the base Captain Of The Head (toilet plunging latrine cleaner) with them. This caused some obvious questions that he answered by explaining that there are NO small jobs in his command, and that the Captain of the Head was instrument in this milestone in this way: submarines of the WWII type were shy, and trying to find one in a whole bunch of ocean was veru boring, and that you HAD to be instantly ready to kill when the opportunity presented itself. Now, had the base toilets been a disgusting mess, rather than do his business there, the pilot may have elected to use the more civilized facilities on the PBY. Had he been in the back with his pants down around his ankles, the submarine may have never even beem noticed. But as the COTH kept the shitter shiny, the pilot was all clear in the air and had time for little things like submarine hunting.

    So never think your job doesn’t matter.

    Because you don’t want the guy wiring your controller to be rushing the job so he can get home to take a more hygenic dump.

  9. Left Coast Dan
    AT 2:18 PM
    “The ‘Men’s Edition’ wouldn’t have GPS, rear-view mirrors, heaters, etc. BECAUSE REAL MEN DON’T NEED THEM. Or something like that.”

    …I don’t need them because I usually have someone in the car to tell me EXACTLY where to go.

  10. …there’s a reason that cars have female voices for instructions too, which is they are more annoying so you do stuff to make them go ‘way.

    …I bought a new car when I started driving 80 miles every day, and it came with an overly advisory onboard computer that’s quite good at nagging you about going too fast, where speed cameras are, and if you’re not holding your lane…but then it goes a step further.

    Like a needy girlfriend, she will TEXT me about how I’m not taking care of her needs, like if the gas is low or I failed to lock her doors, actually bothering me at work with bulletins about how I’m not adequately taking care of my obligations to her.

    And I DO consider it a “Her” for its voice and for its innate ability to point out my fecklessness, and that inspired me to make THIS car the ONLY one of the half-dozen or so I’ve owned, the ONLY one I ever actually NAMED.

    I call her “Karen”.

    For obvious 2020s sentimental reasons.

  11. My 1973 Super Beetle has NEVER bitched at me. It has made some surprising stinks… but they were ALL MY fault. Everything that has ever gone wrong is my fault. I am the Master (questionable), and Commander.


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