Declassified: 20 Major Developments in the Spygate Scandal – IOTW Report

Declassified: 20 Major Developments in the Spygate Scandal

Canada Free Press- The Russia probe investigation in 2019 shaped up to be the year the tables turned. This video is part of a special Epoch Times series reviewing 2019

12 Comments on Declassified: 20 Major Developments in the Spygate Scandal

  1. Nothing is a major development until there are indictments and perp walks. That’s not to minimize the points made in the video, but it’s all lip service until law and order is put in place.

  2. ^^^^ …. lessee …. ^^^^^

    not Obama, not Holder, not Lynch, not Comey, Brennen, Clapper, McCabe, Page, Strock (sp), Rosenstein, Glenn Simpson, Bruce Orr, Nellie Orr, Hillary Clinton, Peter Fritsch, Stephan Halper, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, US Judges Anne C. Conway, Raymond J. Dearie & Rudolph Contreras

    … my money’s on Kevin Clinesmith

    (oops, Uncle Al beat me to it)

  3. Imagine arresting and marching to jail all these evil scum buckets listed above. Thrilling, isn’t it?

    But should that be done before the Presidential election or after?

    How will jailing all of them affect the election in November?

    Seeking your opinions.

  4. If it does not happen before the election it will jeopardize the support for Trump. A lot of occasional voters will have their lack of participation confirmed and justify their non voting status by saying nothing changes, what’s the point? And they might be right.

  5. Happy New Year to you, Joe6 and to Mrs. Joe6!

    It seems we have been spoiled too easily by POTUS Trump! Yes, he has completely turned the economy and jobs around in less than three years, but the bulwark that had been built, brick by ugly brick, by at least four past presidents and their parties isn’t going to be breached so easily. Easily?! Like, turning the economy around and repatriating $1.2 trillion was easy, right? He only makes it look easy!

    If reinstatement of our rule of law within the FBI, CIA, DoJ, State, etc. is to take place, the entire apparatus will need an overhaul that took decades to erect. Patience is required. Everything is a rat’s nest of laws and pseudo laws that have been placed there to protect it from the likes of POTUS Trump. Just as the Founders built protections in the form of gov’t way back when, the administrative state has been framing their own gov’t within its shell to do the same thing for themselves.

  6. @AbigailAdams January 2, 2020 at 7:07 am I hear you and agree. But my fear is that two Trump terms is not enough to complete the job. Is there a strong enough Repub to pick up the reins or will the GOPe slither back to again grasp defeat from the jaws of victory

  7. AA, Happy New Year to you and Geoff also! And, we are both still on the Trump train, as I believe many of us are. However, there are expectations that the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS will someday be brought to justice, and if President Trump is going to carry the day in November, keep the Senate, bring back the House, he is going to need enthusiastic voters. And he needs new voters. If we don’t see progress in putting the corrupt swamp dwellers where they belong they will all be out campaigning against Trump and it doesn’t matter who the donkeys nominate. They have to be put down, sooner rather than later.

  8. No one of importance will be indicted……

    A mid to low level cog might get indicted and collect $ 10 million to take the hit and keep his mouth shut….

    DC is a big club……and we ain’t in it.


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