Declassified Docs Reveal FBI Director Hoover Greenlighted Surveillance Program In Hawaii 2 Months Before Pearl Harbor – IOTW Report

Declassified Docs Reveal FBI Director Hoover Greenlighted Surveillance Program In Hawaii 2 Months Before Pearl Harbor

GP: On December 18th, the FBI discreetly declassified 48 pages in a document file titled, “Pearl Harbor Attack December 7, 1941 Part 01.”

In the documents, it was revealed FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover greenlighted a surveillance program in Hawaii just two months before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

On page 8 of the newly declassified documents, the Head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office in Honolulu, Robert Shivers, wrote to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on August 23rd, 1941, asking him to enact a surveillance program to spy on Japanese communications from Hawaii to Japan.

Shivers wrote, “In order that the Honolulu Field Division may be advised more fully of Japanese activities, it is deemed necessary that technical surveillance be established on all trans-Pacific telephone communications between the Territory of Hawaii and Japan.” more

11 Comments on Declassified Docs Reveal FBI Director Hoover Greenlighted Surveillance Program In Hawaii 2 Months Before Pearl Harbor

  1. It was a fine balance line Roosevelt had to walk —well, obviously not Roosevelt himself— the government had to walk in giving the Japs enough tempting targets at Pearl without risking the carriers, and making sure that the Japs didn’t know that Roosevelt knew the attack was coming.

    The added FBI surveillance obviously helped to fine-tune Roosevelt’s gambit, which had begun with the moving of the Pacific fleet from our West coast out to the middle of the Pacific. If that had not been done, Japan’s devastating surprise attack would not have been possible.

  2. “So, Roosevelt knew after all. Now: Did Bush?”

    So your question now should be, “what are they planning for us that will outmatch (9/11 as the next false flag op.”

    We’ll find out in less than 1 year.

  3. So, the US knew the attack was coming and did nothing so we would have an excuse to enter the war.

    Well, if we had prevented the attack, Hitler and Stalin would have fought it out and all of Europe would be enslaved by either or both, and all of Asia wouls have been enslaved by Japan, and the US would be the only home for freedom. Let the neighborhood go to hell; at least we’re OK in our house. Phoey

  4. the Left, on orders from Stalin, lobbied hard for isolationism, until Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back by invading Russia. then, like a light switch, the Left demanded US entervtye war. this inspired Orwell, “We’ve always been at war with Eurasia and always been allies of East Asia…(record screech) wever always been at war with East Asia and always been allies of Eurasia.”

  5. Everybody got played.
    The USSR was the only winner in that conflict – in terms of people and lands conquered.
    And he rid the Soviet Union of millions who were willing to kill for Mother Russia.

    Even America’s nuclear pre-eminence was short-lived because of Stalin’s spies in the State Dept. and Manhattan Project.

    Stalin played Roosevelt, Churchill, Tojo, and Hitler like violins.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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