Dedicated to all the Pricks – IOTW Report

Dedicated to all the Pricks

Dedicated to all the PRICKS who pushed the jab

32 Comments on Dedicated to all the Pricks

  1. Anyone else have friends that just can’t wait to tell you they have covid again. It’s like a badge of honor for them. Of course many of them have had all the shots and boosters. Now two of them have cardiomyopathy and several young women have had miscarriages. And they all repeat the same line, “it would have been much worse without the jab”.
    I’m a pureblood and intend to stay that way as most are on their 2nd or 3rd bout of covid.

  2. Really, that is almost not funny.
    Can’t describe the number of people who were sucked into this vax scam thinking they are going to be saved from getting covid. Sad to say that everyone I know who got the shot also had covid and had it really bad.

  3. Canadian Journalist Ian Vandaelle, who pushed COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine passports and wanted unvaccinated Toronto Police Officers fired – died suddenly at age 33 on Dec.5, 2023

    Proverb 1:11 If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood; let us ambush the innocent without reason;

  4. I think all of us here at IOTWreport are completely amazed at the evil being shoved down our throats. Covid was just a mechanism of ‘moderately’ killing off the public. We only have to wait for the next contrived crisis where they take away the remaining liberty we have. I was slightly entertained at the lady in the video. The mockery she portrayed was almost a true live event for many people getting the Jab. We just have to pray that the Lord keeps us protected in these last days. And by the way, laughing thru sarcasm is great!

  5. Dedicated to all the PRICKS who pushed the jab #piers #andrewnwil #jimmycarr #allBBC #HRmanagers

    You left out Trump – author of Operation Warp Speed. Can’t get around that one.

  6. As you would expect they’re pushing that JAB damn hard here in Cali. It’s off the charts constantly in your face. Every other radio spot is a “Get the jab, save your life” thang.
    BUT, in doing so they are trying to change the definition of “Health Care Provider”. The radio spots and the TV commercials end with this, Contact your healthcare provider pharmacy. This is been going on for a while. When I pick up a prescription from my pharmacy I’m hit with, well, it looks like you need a COVID shot, would you like to do that now. Oh and, they list off about 4 more including the shingle shot. I tell no I’m not get shot with that poison. They must hear that a lot because it doesn’t phase them. They are trying to turn pharmacies into the main distribution center for the clot shot. This has got to be in direct violation of HIIPA. I’m wondering if this is a Nation Wide push or just Cali.

  7. “You left out Trump – author of Operation Warp Speed. Can’t get around that one.”

    I’m a process guy. WARP speed was sound in principle. Unfortunately some very evil people were waiting to take advantage of Trump. So you’re right, there’s no getting around that one. I’m curious who the hell else you think can possibly save this country right now. I can see you celebrating Trumps defeat as the load you on to a box car.

  8. Sadly, I just heard a long time customer tell me about getting REALLY sick after getting her latest shot and then telling me she’s so glad she got it because it would have been worse.

    My never getting sick didn’t register with her.

    Brad, you got 3 TUs from me. On point, you are.

  9. Brad I agree with you. President Trump would never have forced people into getting the vaccine. Just another thing the demoncrats used against him. My doctor’s office never brings it up to me.

  10. What’s funny is I saw a sign in front of Walmart and one in front of Walgreens that both said get 4 in 1, covid booster, flu, shingles and Pneumococcal vaccines for free. Maybe the 4 in 1 wasn’t all in one injection, but I see 4 in 1 and that’s what I think.

  11. ^^^^^
    The same sign is hanging in front of our local Safeway. So now that Pharmacies are official healthcare providers are they just putting all this shit in a blender or what. Every step of the way they make a thinking person trust them less.

  12. Remember.
    Trump took Hydroxychloroquine.
    Also, the Senate and the House and the welfare office/system exempted themselves from da jab.
    Take nothing, just go for a walk, and eat better.
    However, both Desantis and Newsome did take it.
    They choose poorly.

  13. @Brad: I can see you celebrating Trumps defeat as the load you on to a box car.

    Gee, where have I heard that scare tactic before? Same tactic Trump used when the jab came out: Nov. 9, 2020

    “If Joe Biden were President, you wouldn’t have the Vaccine for another four years, nor would the @US_FDA have ever approved it so quickly. The bureaucracy would have destroyed millions of lives”

    I’m laughing at that BS. Heh Trump, it has destroyed millions of lives!

    Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Responses
    March 2, 2022

    BTW, I’ve made it clear in the past, I won’t vote for a faggot lover.

  14. Goldenfoxx

    You are one of my favorite commenters here. Extremely down to earth, very logical. But honestly in my opinion, with what we a currently facing, I don’t think your judgment is as good as it could be when it comes to Trump. I’d totally understand if we had at least one other alternative. We don’t.

  15. Trump NEVER mandated the jab! game, set, match

    it was the States that mandated it …. doesn’t anyone remember this???

    ‘oh, but Don Lemonshorts said … oh, but that Lesbian Man on MSNBC said ….


  16. The finger needs not be pointed at Trump, but at where this bullshit virus came from and who was responsible for it. Congress or the media don’t wanna talk bout that, though.

  17. Brad, just injection cocktails. Just anyone they pull from the store can give them as well. I knew a girl who was hired by WalMart pharmacy to just run the cash register and they soon had her giving injections, so I asked her if she had any medical training and she said they take a 30 minute course showing them how to draw it out of the vial and how to inject it. Then they have to draw water from a vial and inject a melon. Yep that’s who I want jabbing me. lol

  18. Brad, here in Michigan I’ve been having a ‘conversation’ with Walgreens. They call, text, or email me telling me it’s time for this or that. Sometimes they want to discuss the Rx I’m taking. I finally got through to them after many tries that they are not my doctor and I will never discuss or take their advice about anything medical, ever.

    My ending comment every time is: I work with my doctor for my healthcare. That’s it.

    They finally got the HINT and stopped bothering me.

  19. Claudia, ORWW,

    You two young ladies are substantiating what we are seeing in California. Pharmacists are now health care providers. So how did they get our protected information? HIIPA is now null and void because some European said so? I don’t think so. Get prepared. 2024 is going to be sporting.


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