Dee Snider to Trump: I may not take it anymore – IOTW Report

Dee Snider to Trump: I may not take it anymore

“My Donald Trump was a Democrat,” he said. “My Donald Trump is pro-choice. My Donald Trump is what we call a Northeastern Republican, you know, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. But that’s changing.”

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Dee Snider isn’t sure if he’s going to take it anymore — when it comes to his friend, Donald Trump, using his music.


In light of Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, the Twisted Sister lead singer said that even though he told Trump a few months ago that he could use his song “We’re Not Gonna Take It,” he’s starting to rethink that decision.

Snider said that he had become friends with Trump after his appearances on “Celebrity Apprentice,” and still considers Trump a friend, despite the controversial comments he’s made during his presidential election.  The rest is here

40 Comments on Dee Snider to Trump: I may not take it anymore

  1. HEY DEE! So…what you’re REALLY saying is that it’s “socially liberal” to blow up shit, kill people, threaten the entire nation and suffer no repurcussions/backlash whatsoever…RIGHT?!?

    Just so we understand each other. Dick.

  2. “So…what you’re REALLY saying is that it’s “socially liberal” to blow up shit, kill people, threaten the entire nation and suffer no repurcussions/backlash whatsoever…RIGHT?!?”

    Ask Bill Ayers …

  3. Snider’s looks and politics aside… This is what I don’t understand about most Trump supporters. I’m not trying to cause trouble here, but from I’ve seen in the comments on many stories, if Ted Cruz does or says one or two things that you don’t agree with, then that’s it! He’s done! He’s a RINO!! !!!Eleventy!!!

    But Trump actually has a history of all these things that Snider is whining about and more, but that’s just A-OK with most of you. Seriously, I don’t understand it. I get it that no candidate is going to be perfect and please everyone, but Trump has been a professed pro-choice, pro-Clinton Democrat. How is that so easy to forgive and forget?

  4. Riverlife — I’ll tell you, but then you’ll want to argue about it. But here it is:

    1) We know that even as many of us were not born conservative and figured it out over time, so do others including Donald Trump.

    2) Trump is very up front about his past support of liberal pols and their causes. Because:

    2.a) He had to get along with everyone in order to be successful in his business. Remember, he’s a real estate guy, not a pol.

    2.b) He openly supported both McCain and Romney. How long does he have to stay in the dog house?

    3) Trump NOW is running under the Republican ticket.

    4) His views are conservative “enough” and he is tackling the issues that are paramount to conservatives in most cases from a far right position (immigration and refugee migration).

    4.a) He is more conservative in his positions than Cruz on H1B.

    5) Many of his supporters were Cruz supporters until we realized it will be highly improbable for him to succeed against Clinton.

    5.a) He stands a greater success rate because he can appeal to Democrats and Independents. He hasn’t had to change his message depending upon on his audience, they just like him for the same reasons conservatives like him. His being an outsider is reassuring to them and to conservatives.

    6. He is financing his own campaign and owes no allegiance to a donor or donors.

    I’m probably forgetting something important, but there you have it. I hope this is helpful.

  5. Yeah, I don’t think Trump needs the support of an aging rock star to put him over the top. Reminds me of when Anne Wilson made a stink about Hillary using one of her songs for the ’08 campaign. It was free publicity for Heart. Go figure. I guess this means Trump loses the Twisted Sister vote.

  6. So Cruz evolved on H1B. Do you forgive him?

    At first Trump supporters said Cruz couldn’t win the nomination and now it looks like he might so Trump supporters change it to Cruz can’t beat Hillary. What good is it going to do to get another president that was elected by the same idiots that elected Obama.

  7. Yup, I know your arguments, Magnum. It’s not a matter of forgiving Cruz at all. Great! If he can win the nomination fairly and squarely, that’s okee dokee by me — and by every other Trump supporter no doubt. But you cannot say that’s how Cruz supporters think about a Trump nomination. There’s the rub.

    Just don’t expect — as you have — that Trump supporters should support Cruz until he gets the nomination. In the meantime it seems to me that Cruz supporters are tearing Trump down so badly they will have a hard, if not impossible, time supporting him at all with any credibility (I’m talking about the most visible conservatives). I know that by the time obama’s supporters got finished with our family (death threats on our answering machine), we didn’t even support the ‘Rats (yes, we were ignorant about politics) and voted for McCain. That was the beginning of our education.

    My personal reason for preferring Donald Trump is that he is not connected to any PACS and he doesn’t hesitate to take up uncomfortable issues. He is a true thought leader. I like that and I don’t mind that he is not erudite. I like erudite, but I like results even more. Trump is delivering for me.

  8. So it’s not OK to argue about it? Um, OK, gotcha. LOL

    Seriously, thanks for your response. I guess since since I am not a “converted” Conservative but a lifelong, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative, it’s hard for me to understand wobbly positions. Not to say I’ve never changed my mind about certain things, but they have been minor. There has never been one single moment in my life where I thought of myself as a liberal. My view is that a leopard doesn’t really change its spots and Trump seems to have done a complete 180.

    I have not ever raged against Trump supporters because if Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him. It bothers me that there seems to be so much venom among professed conservatives on this site, though. And if Trump were to go 3rd party, who would you support?

  9. Trump is clearly lapping Cruz on the nomination at the moment and has for quite awhile, with only minor exceptions. While important, the nomination doesn’t hang on Iowa and never has. And I don’t think Trump’s supporters have ever changed, as you say, their story about supporting Cruz.

    I can only speak for myself, Magnum. The way you and some others have behaved toward Trump supporters is very, very much like obama’s people behaved toward those who did not support him. And it’s troubling. If it continues, it will be a horrible summer.

    But then, if the RNC and donors decide to do a brokered convention, everything’s up for grabs and this argument will be moot.

  10. I’m glad you found my response funny. LOL!!

    Sometimes politics, as in religion or anything else that requires a lot of introspection, is better understood by those who have lived both sides. Sometimes it takes an object lesson to attain a visceral understanding and maybe even an empathy for differing viewpoints. And I would daresay that those of us who have lived both sides may even understand the weaknesses of the others in ways that aren’t obvious to those who “have never been..” I would never apologize for my former views because that’s just life and how it goes. And maybe it’s because of that that I can completely understand someone like Donald Trump, who maybe never gave that much thought to the political ideology of one party over another as much as how their practical application affected his life or his business. I don’t think it takes much imagination to understand. There are many public figures who don’t discuss their politics because it would alienate their customers and clients. That’s a reasonable approach and I wouldn’t fault them for it unless it somehow gave cover to an atrocity.

    And I don’t know what I would do if the Republican party forces a splintering of the ticket. Right now it sounds like something’s afoot with a brokered convention. In that case, everyone but bush and rubio (and maybe even rubio) are in jeopardy. This is what the DNC did in ’08 essentially. They lost 18 million voters when hillary lost the negotiation. They got some of those back when obama and she met in Unity, NH. Those who didn’t immediately join their phony-baloney circus voted for McCain and, like me, were forever changed. And I’ll tell you right now, it was a disillusioning on a level that has made me suspicious of anyone trying to achieve elected office. The belly of the beast is worse than anyone can imagine.

    So, I don’t go in for snark much. It makes me sick to think about how naive we all are, even those who think they know so much. But we can’t give up hope that we can change things.

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