Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60,000 Migrants Out of Their Areas – IOTW Report

Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60,000 Migrants Out of Their Areas

Breitbart: Liberals have spent the last few years finger-pointing at Texas for mistreating migrants by bussing them north, but those same deep-blue, Democrat-dominated cities have also turned around and bussed nearly 60,000 right out again and to other blue cities.

According to a detailed article in the New York Times, Texas’ Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has bussed around 120,000 migrants from his border towns to other cities, including New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, and Philadelphia.

Most of these migrants who benefited from the Texas transportation program originated in Venezuela, but many others were from a host of poverty-stricken countries. more

8 Comments on Deep Blue ‘Sanctuary’ Cities Bused Nearly 60,000 Migrants Out of Their Areas

  1. democRATz are turning Human Trafficking into some kind of sick kind of Shell Game while spending Billions of our hard-earned, over-taxed dollars doing it!!
    Every single fucking National Socialist Party democRAT (they all vote in lockstep with each other) needs to be voted OUT when their turn comes up!

  2. Migrants are just bio weapons to destroy white America. Just a friendly reminder that everyone rotting this country is a Jew. I can never understand why people on the right love them. Go look into who is behind all the the anti-white hate.

  3. Harry, it’s NOT just democrats.
    Every for-profit war the US has been involved with since WWII, has produced a myriad of REFUGEES, on every continent.

    Yes, the demonRATS have opened the floodgates now, (hat tip to murderer Teddy K, the Lying of the Senate), but you must give equal credit to the Romneys/Grahams/McCains/Kerrys/Bushes… shall I go on?

  4. The “legal” residents of the USA that have “characteristics” similar to these illegal invaders had better come up with a strategy for when the SHTF. Because when that occurs all bets are off. The pissed off masses won’t be asking for proof of citizenship.


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