Deep State apoplectic over the appointment of John Ratcliffe as DNI — for good reason – IOTW Report

Deep State apoplectic over the appointment of John Ratcliffe as DNI — for good reason

American Thinker:

The testimony of Robert Mueller signaled the end of Act One of the Russia Hoax story arc.  The appointment of Rep. (and former U.S. attorney) John Ratcliffe as the new director of National Intelligence launches Act Two, where the events of the first act begin to be understood in a new light.  (Act Three is coming, where the villains are held responsible, but that will have to wait for trials to begin, after indictments are handed down by grand juries in Hartford and Salt Lake City.  Remember that the election is still 15 months away.)

The miscreants and their friends understand very well what is ahead, and they are acting accordingly.  As predictable as the sun rising in the east, we see hysteria, such as this from the Washington Post’s David Ignatius, worried that the safety of the Republic (or at least the CIA — pretty much the same thing in the eyes of Deep Staters) itself is in danger.  It comes complete with a goofy picture of Ratcliffe, whom Post readers are supposed to regard as a dangerous, demented clown. MORE

11 Comments on Deep State apoplectic over the appointment of John Ratcliffe as DNI — for good reason

  1. Convicting just one of these traitors will be a miracle in this so called system of justice and “country of laws.” But if anyone can do it it’s Ratcliffe. If he’d had more than 5 minutes at the mueller hearing he’d made mueller cry.

  2. “This place is under siege. People say, carry on, protect the mission, avoid the firing range.”

    “…avoid the firing range…”

    WTH does that even mean? Do a lot of “workplace accidents” happen at the firing range? Is “the firing range” a euphemism for “Fort Marcy Park”? These people need to get over themselves and their stupid jargon.

  3. He needs to call a joint meeting of congress and deliver a educational address. He can use this one as a model.

    And make sure to include this: We are done pussyfooting around with you cocksuckers and we ain’t gonna’ be playing no Goddamned game of beanbag – eRepublicans, Democrats, women, childer, cripples an’ prohybitionists ‘d do well to keep out iv it if’n ya’ wanna know what’s good fer ya’

  4. I’ve always found the “Squeal meter” to be THE most accurate barometer in determining if Trump is on to something. Given the sheer decibel of cacophony from the usual suspects re Ratcliffe, he is probably perfect for the job.

    TBH, I wish our president did not raid competent principled conservative advocates from Congress for his cabinet or executive picks, we need these guys to stay in the Congress and present a united front, working in tandem with the president in the furtherance of our goals.

  5. I’ve been ever-curious as to WHY and HOW our American culture turned from being sincerely outraged by obvious gov’t lying, and how it is possible for very obvious crimes against the people go uninvestigated, unprosecuted, and how people like the players on this current stage always seem to not only go unpunished, but end up returning to office, writing books, and generally continue thriving. People like Hillary Rodham-Clinton and her sexual pervert husband, Bill, who have never owned a business, never owned a patent to anything, never held a job outside gov’t except as a relatively low-paid lawyer, yet end up as millionaires and billionaires with global influence.

    Last night I found this presentation by Diana West at the Heritage Foundation (posted to YT 6 years ago!), in which she gives a very full account of her then-new book, “American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.” West is a true national treasure for the exhaustive and exhausting research work she puts into her writings. I strongly encourage anyone who is obsessive about knowing the roots — at least the contemporary roots — of American history, to make some time to listen to her presentation. It answered so many questions, including the key questions, of why our justice system and the people surrounding it is so completely screwed up, and why we seem to have a pathological tolerance for things as they are.

    And here’s a link to this book at Amazon:

    And here’s the link to her most recent book, “The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy”

    The Deep State is a continuation of the Communist Cold War assault on America. They say you can’t fix a problem until you can name it.

  6. AA,
    Been a reader of hers for quite a while and agree she is a national treasure.
    Well worth those unfamiliar with her work to explore, she does in depth research and presents it in an engaging way.

  7. In a comment on JULY 24, 2019 AT 7:35 PM I wrote;
    “Constituents in Ratcliffe’s district are very fortunate. I’m jealous. He’s a shark. President Trump needs to give him a cabinet position…”
    Glad the president took my advice 😀
    Agreed it will be a loss for Congress, but conservatives are also in desperate need of generals on the front lines in the Cabinet.
    Ratcliffe will kick ass, if appointed to DNI.
    The left better get used to being Trumped four more years.


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