Deep State Plot: Billy Idol Just Became a US Citizen. Do You Know What This Means? – IOTW Report

Deep State Plot: Billy Idol Just Became a US Citizen. Do You Know What This Means?

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: We Will Now Be Inundated With Holiday Music From Hell:
Billy Idol sings ‘White Christmas’
Doc Marten meets Dean Martin in Billy Idol’s plodding version of ‘White Christmas,’ which has all the appeal of a Christmas stocking full of steaming reindeer crap.  Go hear!

17 Comments on Deep State Plot: Billy Idol Just Became a US Citizen. Do You Know What This Means?


    Brian is busily preparing the essay.

    Andrew looks up and sees the newly made over Allison

    Allison walks towards him and stops when she notices Brian staring at her with his mouth open.

    She glares at him.


    Thank you!

    Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact
    that we had to sacrifice a whole
    Saturday in detention for whatever
    it was we did wrong. But we think
    you’re crazy to make an essay
    telling you who we think we are.
    You see us as you want to see us…
    In the simplest terms, in the most
    convenient definitions.
    But what we found out is that each
    one of us is a brain…

    …and an athlete…

    …and a basket case…

    …a princess…

    …and a criminal…

    Does that answer your question?
    Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

  2. Deep State Plot: Billy Idol Just Became a US Citizen. Do You Know What This Means?

    Sounds similar to a quote attributed to John Wilkes Booth, who was part of the crowd listening to Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: “Do you know what that means? Nigger citizenship.”

    Just saying. Means nothing other than the similarity of phrasing.


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