Deep State Will Be Defeated – IOTW Report

Deep State Will Be Defeated

Earlier today Trump campaign attorney L. Lin Wood said: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail”

h/t PJ

14 Comments on Deep State Will Be Defeated

  1. “Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest.”
    -Calvin Coolidge

  2. We have no choice at this point but to continue the fight. 70-80 plus million {at the least} have lost all faith in our government institutions, DOJ,FBI etc. and now our elections. This isn’t just going away
    I still believe we’re going to win this.

  3. When I hear talk like this, I feel encouraged. I do not remain in despair easily, but this year has been testing me. My hope and optimism usually dispel the gloom that would keep me in despair.

    As my eyes are opened to what the left is trying to do to us – the gaslighting, ‘color revolution’ and overall attempt to make us give up – it renews my optimism that we will prevail.

    My hope is not some wish fulfillment, but a certain knowledge that God is in control and we will see his perfect will come to pass, whatever that will be.

  4. I believe Unicorn’s will also fly across the land spreading fairy dust making all things beautiful.

    If no one has gone to jail for all of the criminal things that have been made public since 2016, tell me what has changed that these criminals will go to jail now?


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