Defaming Americans is the Democrat way – IOTW Report

Defaming Americans is the Democrat way

Patriot Retort: We will look back on Hillary’s infamous “Deplorables” slander as the watershed moment in modern politics. It was that statement on September 9, 2016 when the Democrat Party shed all pretense and exposed itself as the party who hates the people. Hillary defaming Americans because they had the temerity to support her opponent opened the floodgates.

And now it seems every Democrat is building on Hillary’s deplorable legacy.

During the Democrat primary season, defaming Americans was common fare. Nearly every Democrat when kissing the ring of election loser Stacey Abrams tossed Georgia voters under the bus by accusing them of racism for not electing her.

As election strategies go, defaming Americans seems a smidge counterintuitive.

But this is now standard operating procedure in the Democrat Party. MORE

7 Comments on Defaming Americans is the Democrat way

  1. I am proud to be an American, a NATIONALIST, and a patriot. Smear me if you will.

    Call me right wing if you will.

    Answer this question: Who would you rather meet in a dark alley at midnight? An antifa/blm protestor or a patriot?

  2. I steal from super hero Chris Plante again. Two times in one day.

    Are today’s Democrat Party more ideologically In synch with John Fitzgerald Kennedy or his assassin, the communist, Lee Harvey Oswald?

    We all know the answer. Few dare say it.

  3. @PHenry ~ love Mr. Plante! … can’t get him in my area on the radio. Livestream him every day though, M thru F

    She Who Must Be Obeyed & I were in the GOP local headquarters the other day, picking up more signs & discussing w/ some of the staff on how we all agreed that, if Rush ever retires, we’d all love for Plante to take over that slot.

  4. @Molon.

    Can you believe that it’s October 1st? America had no AprilMayJuneJulyAuguatSeptember that I recall.

    Yeah. Big fan of Plante. He can get a bit repetitive at times. But one cannot speak 3 hours a day, 5 days a week without being repetitive. To a degree.

    Plante does seem to be the heir apparent when Rush retires. I love Mark Steyn, and the PA guy and the Seattle guy. After a while I could come up with their names.
    Also really like Larry O’Connor.

    Not ready to bury Rush though. He’s still the man. He’s got some fight in him.


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