Defeating Iran’s Mullahs – IOTW Report

Defeating Iran’s Mullahs

American Thinker: The Islamic Republic of Iran has entered its fourth decade, and the values and legacy of the revolution it was founded upon continue to have profound and contradictory consequences for Iranian life.  The mullahs have ruled over the defenseless Persian people with iron fists and absolute power.  As a result, millions of Iranians were forced to flee their home to the four corners of the globe.

Those remaining have been targeted in waves of arrests of largely innocent people.  They have been accompanied by widespread torture, rape, and mass executions.  Tens of thousands more were torn away from their homes and moved to Islamic dungeons.  These prisoners of conscience were forced to confess to crimes they never committed and then either exterminated or sent back to medieval Islamic torture chambers, where they simply faded away.  It is difficult for many people to even talk about these horrible tragedies under the Islamic rules in Iran.  I personally spoke with a few lucky ones who managed to flee the country in the ’90s.

In 1979, upon returning from his long exile, Ayatollah Khomeini set the stage for gaining absolute power via primitive Islamic rules and by employing hundreds of thousands of zealous revolutionary guards and militia police against opposition elements within the country.  The machinery of coercion went to work against the Iranian people, who were unaware of the plot of one the greatest terrorist-minded individuals of the twentieth century, the ayatollah Khomeini.  The year 1979 was the beginning of the rejuvenation of the evil empire of Islam.  more here

7 Comments on Defeating Iran’s Mullahs

  1. Don’t forget to properly thank Jimmeh “Killer Rabbit” Cahtuh for forcing the Shah out of power in Iran and turning the country over to the Ayatollah! Before that, Iran was a staunch US ally in the region.

  2. The Shah was often brutal and many wanted change, they ended up with a much more brutal tyrant.
    Sadly I see much the same going on here today. Many whiners saying America isn’t perfect or is even evil, and they want socialism not capitalism, and more government control, ” for a better life”. I hope they never get what they ignorantly believe is an improvement. There isn’t one. ( only a lot of corruption needing rooted out and the conspirators sent to prison )

  3. The Shah was only brutal to the terrorists who wanted to overthrow his government – the putrid swill that Jimmeh turned the country over to. On the whole, the Iranians were FAR better off under the Shah.


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