Defense Bill Suspends Navy Recruiting Program That Platformed A Drag Queen – IOTW Report

Defense Bill Suspends Navy Recruiting Program That Platformed A Drag Queen

DC Enquirer:

Congress’ compromise defense bill puts a pause on a Navy recruiting program that platformed a drag queen until the Pentagon makes a full accounting of the program, including how the drag queen came to participate in the first place.

The Navy suspended the Digital Ambassador program after the Daily Caller News Foundation first reported the Navy brought on an active duty sailor-slash-drag queen to reach a wider potential recruiting audience through the program. Congress’ compromise defense bill unveiled late Wednesday orders the Navy to “cease all activities of the digital ambassador program” until at least 60 days after the Navy chief submits a report to Congress after widespread Republican scrutiny of the Pentagon’s seeming promotion of sexually explicit performances. more

9 Comments on Defense Bill Suspends Navy Recruiting Program That Platformed A Drag Queen

  1. “With everything wrong in DoD today I wonder whose side the Secretary of Defense is really on.”

    “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala.

    That’s what’s wrong, and that’s why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon, Rome, and Pompeii in 79 AD. He’s coming back again to take out his final revenge.


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