DEFIANCE – There are More of Us Than Them – IOTW Report

DEFIANCE – There are More of Us Than Them

Conservative Treehouse: In April something was bugging me… a familiarity amid the COVID lock-down status & another time… I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until a dear friend reminded me.

Many U.S. states are acting like the early 1980’s and the imposition of Martial law in Poland to target the Solidarity movement.  Subsequently I wrote about it on a Twitter thread, because the parallels were really quite remarkable.

Both Poland circa 1980 and the U.S. friction in 2020, center around fragile economic issues. Both were an outcome of state control; and the key connection is government targeting control over the workers.

In both examples the state took exclusive control of the economic and social state of the citizens, and the courts provided no option for redress. In both examples the state locked down the citizens and would not permit them to interact with each other.

In 1981 the government in Poland initiated Martial Law and citizens were forced to communicate underground. In 2020 a considerable number of U.S. state governments locked-down citizens in similar fashion and banned citizen assembly. read more

23 Comments on DEFIANCE – There are More of Us Than Them

  1. It is not just that there are “more of us than them” that is at play here.
    It is also that we are right!
    Right about our Constitutional rights.
    Right at taking a stand against tyranny.

  2. ” Likewise the key control issue, the heart of battle in the United States will come down to an election in November 2020.”

    I heard that in 2016, and I voted accordingly believing it was true, yet here we are shut down and locked down with the greatest loss of freedom in American history having taken place.

    Vote one way you lose, vote the other way you lose.

    You have a choice, like a choice between Coke and Pepsi, but like that Coke or Pepsi you still end up drinking cola no matter which you chose.

  3. By 1981 the Polacks had been putting up with that shit for some 40 years – since, in fact, Germany and the Soviet Union had divided her between them in 1939.
    Roughly 2 generations.

    They endured purges, mass murder, racism, genocide, repression, persecution, humiliation, and servitude – pretty tough teachers.

    We have an entire generation content to sit in the basement playing video games and eating Cheetos – so house arrest doesn’t bother them, much.

    We’ll see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. More and more proglodytes are getting red pilled every day. As usual an emergency brings out the inner fascist in Demonrats.

    They overplay the tyranny because power is their god, power promised by Lucifer. Power is the elixir that keeps ancient Demonrats alive. That and adrenalchrome. Look at the faces of Hillezibub, Pelosi, Waters, Biden and Schumer and you can actually see the demons inside of them.

    They are to stupid to understand that in their zeal to tarnish and blame PDJT continues to backfire. His approval rating is at an all time high and poll after poll shows Americans do not blame him for either Kung Flu or the economic collapse.

    Instead increasingly large numbers of liberals are getting to live the nightmare of Marxist control of Inslee, Whitmer, Pritzker, Wolfe, Cuomo, etc and they are waking up.

    Come November there will be a backlash against Demonrats that you will not believe, PDJT can win the popular vote and the House will flip as more voters start to see the sulfur pouring from Demonrats pieholes as the cabal is exposed.

  5. One of today’s Far Side cartoons shows a cow on a psychiatrist’s couch saying, “Maybe it’s not me, ya know?,,, Maybe it’s the rest of the herd that’s gone insane,” I thought that to be funny and very appropriate to all the insanity we facing now as a country.

  6. The Plandemic fatality numbers are as rigged as the Russian elections. Stalin said it, “the people casting votes control nothing, the people counting votes control everything”. The axis of evil ie the dems & the media think the plandemic will be Trump’s undoing. They couldn’t be more wrong. It will be but one more nail in their cross…

  7. Let me see if I have this correct. Very small minority (government) parasitically feeds off the productive class. Very small minority then suppresses productive class to the point where the productive class starves but the very small minority still siphons enough so they can live in luxury. Civil disobedience? Hell no. I say the gallows.

  8. During the reign of John (1199 – 1216) he and the Magnates were at war.
    One side would invade the estates of the other and cut off the feet (for example) of the peasants of that estate. Then the other side would do something similar to the peasants of the other estates.

    The peasants got pissed. After a couple of hundreds of peasants being mutilated, when someone (anyone) rode into a village he was pulled off his horse and beaten – sometimes to death.

    The Magnates met with John and made a truce coming to the realization that some 2500 “aristocrats” couldn’t defeat millions of peasants who were sufficiently pissed.

    The truce worked. Magna Carta in 1215, the peasants went back to work, everybody sighed a deep sigh of relief. BUT there was NO revolution! NO Magnate lost his estate. NO peasant became Robin Hood. The status quo ante was restored. The simple fact is that the peasantry had no notion of their potential – they never do.

    We’ll go back to sleep as soon as we sense that stability has returned.


    izlamo delenda est …

  9. There are More of Us Than Them

    Oiling “our” (Party licensed) scary things, on the couch. From which we’ll go to bed. To get up. To pay our loyal citizen Party dues.

    In the streets? Outnumbered. And, clearly, man to man, magnitudes lighter in the loafers.

    At the ballot box? Proudly wasting “our” votes. On whoever The Party is, already, willing to accept. Party members in good standing.

    The outcome is determined by who, actually, runs on the field. Not drinks on the couch. Not pays to cheer in the stands. Not pays to wait their turn, on the bench, according to the rules those that call them “enemy” write (subject to change, without notice).

    If such “patriots” are, truly, more numerous than those that call them “enemy”, their extirpation will be even less missed.

  10. The opening of Wisconsin is proof that we have had enough. People are pouring into the state for hair cuts, eating at restaraunts, congregating in bars and gymns.

    My brother, as I am typing this, is on his way to Wisconsin from Michigan just to get his hair cut and eat at a restaraunt. He has been suffering from the isolation ordered by our Gov. Witless. He is so excited as he wanted to take a trip since this started. Now, he gets to do all three … four if he stays in a hotel!

  11. When you pay more for Covid-19 prognosis, vents, and deaths…..

    It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy…….

    Think San Francisco and their giving the homeless free hotel rooms, food, drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes……they get more homeless moving into their city…for the free stuff.

  12. We don’t need to out number them. We just need some good men.

    “A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control”: Jordan Peterson”

    In the next week or two the State.and Local Governments are going to need to decide whether or not they’re going to step up enforcement. That will be a pivotal time.

  13. @Bad_Brad May 18, 2020 at 11:27 am

    > We don’t need to out number them. We just need some good men.

    > In the next week or two the State.and Local Governments are going to need to decide whether or not they’re going to step up enforcement. That will be a pivotal time.

    The fact (not “probability”, but “already proven, mathematical certitude”) that you call that the “pivotal time”, means that there are no (again, not “probably few”, but “zero”) “good men”. Who care.

    This is like coming to terms with a (potentially) fatal disease. You either accept that your “first choice” is not (if it ever was) a possibility, and work your way down the list of “what is”, rather than “what might be (if the unicorns fart)”. Or you die. Waiting.

    Some, many, people would rather die “with dignity”, than live (with the “shame” of knowing they furthered the lies). But, were there a “cavalry”, there would be no opportunity for those that call you “enemy” to “decide”. Again. After again.

  14. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 11:43 am

    > When one of “us” gets arrested by a dozen cops why are hundreds of “us” just standing there taking videos?

    Because, like “enemy”, it only takes one to spit the label.

  15. “…the State and Local Governments are going to need to decide whether or not they’re going to step up enforcement.”

    Let’s hope that not too many govt officials are from the Peanut Allergy Generation. Those people are conditioned to depriving everyone of peanuts for the sake of one person.

  16. There’s nothing quite like anonymous people crying out, “I told you so!”

    Especially, when, they, use, commas, after, most (if not, all) words.

    You’re just funny, not that anonymous.

  17. So how much of this scam Dem ic is driven by the Democrat/media complex wanting to distract from Obamagate? The Democrats for sure and for certain are 100% invested in dragging this out as long as possible. And don’t underestimate the eRepublicans part in this and their desire to protect the swamp. The swamp is their golden goose too.

  18. @Bad_Brad May 18, 2020 at 11:54 am

    > There’s a big difference between A PIVOTAL time and THE PIVOTAL time. There will be lots of them

    Indeed. Because there have been lots of them. Been there. Done that. And, here we are. Why will it change, this, magic time?

    Maybe we should, at least, consider, another plan.

    (Unless, waiting for the unicorns to fart, really, truly, is “the plan”. So this time, same as all the other times, will turn out different.)

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