Defiant Al Franken ‘Can’t Say’ He Never Groped a Woman or If More Accusers Will Come Forward – IOTW Report

Defiant Al Franken ‘Can’t Say’ He Never Groped a Woman or If More Accusers Will Come Forward

[Al Franken seen groping a globe]


Big Gov: With four separate women accusing Al Franken (D-MN) of groping them, the defiant U.S. senator went underground for the long weekend only to sit down for two disastrous interviews Monday morning.

In an interview with Minnesota Public Radio, when asked if additional women will come forward with accusations of groping, Franken admits, “I don’t know. I can’t say.”

In a second interview with WCCO, when asked if he ever groped a woman’s butt, Franken admitted, “I can’t say I haven’t done that.”  read more

15 Comments on Defiant Al Franken ‘Can’t Say’ He Never Groped a Woman or If More Accusers Will Come Forward

  1. Good – let the Dems be defiant and keep / protect their pervs. They are very short sighted on this one. He could be replaced with another Dem and they could take the high road. But they don’t have it in them.

  2. Franken, “I can’t say I haven’t done that.”

    Well, actually you could say that and it wouldn’t be any bigger of a lie than what has continuously flowed from your pie-hole for the last umpteen years.

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