Defiant Merkel says refugees not taking away benefits from Germans – IOTW Report

Defiant Merkel says refugees not taking away benefits from Germans

BERLIN (Reuters) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose conservative party faces possible defeat in an election in her home state on Sunday, rejected charges by anti-immigrant critics that her government was spending less on Germans due to a large influx of refugees.

In an interview published in Saturday’s edition of Bild newspaper, Merkel also strongly defended her decision, one year ago this weekend, to open the door to hundreds of thousands of refugees mostly fleeing conflicts in the Middle East.

“We did not reduce benefits for anyone in Germany as a result of the aid for refugees. In fact, we actually saw social improvements in some areas,” Merkel said.

“We took nothing away from people here. We are still achieving our big goal of maintaining and improving the quality of life in Germany,” she said, a day before a critical vote in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The big influx of refugees and migrants has dragged her approval ratings to a five-year low of 45 percent, but Merkel was unapologetic and said, faced with the same situation today, she would act no differently.  MORE

SNIP:  Why do suicidal people like Merkel want others to join them?

15 Comments on Defiant Merkel says refugees not taking away benefits from Germans

  1. Understand that Merkel grew up, was taught and involved politically in east German socialist republic. Just as Obama was raised and taught socialism and communism by frank marshall.

    Both are doing their best to create chaos in their respective countries. Setting the citizens against each other and the refugees. If the lid blows, The oppressive governments are ready to step in the enforce social restructuring through internationally established laws and regulations of the UN. From many nations to one.

  2. @ Cato
    That is it in a nut shell. I’ve been asking why for a long time but you nail it.
    They have no love for the refugees or the illegals they are busing all over the country into a conservative areas, the punishment through regulation and laws and the government agencies being used as weapons themselves.
    As BHO said “they must reward their friends and punish their enemies.”
    They must have chaos worldwide in order to accomplish their goals of the UN.

  3. Ferkel:

    We did not reduce benefits for anyone in Germany as a result of the aid for refugees.

    Yes you did, one way or another: raising taxes, inflating currency, incurring interest payments on debt. Ferkel is lying or and idiot or both.

    In fact, we actually saw social improvements in some areas…

    Social values are individual and there are none that apply to each and every person. Ferkel is lying or and idiot or both.

    We took nothing away from people here.

    Nothing? How about dignity, sovereignty, individual rights, safety, peace of mind… Ferkel is lying or and idiot or both.

    We are still achieving our big goal of maintaining and improving the quality of life in Germany…

    You cannot maintain and improve quality of life by fucking your constituents in the ass. Ferkel is lying or and idiot or both.

  4. Time to round up all these one world fools who think they can treat people with less respect than
    rodents and arrest them. We have the numbers in our favor and we have the guns to encourage
    them to surrender. Haven’t we had enough?

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