Defining the Enemy in These Final Days before the Midterms – IOTW Report

Defining the Enemy in These Final Days before the Midterms

American Thinker:

In these few days before the hugely important midterm elections, I wish to enlighten my fellow everyday, God-fearing and patriotic Americans about our enemy – the American left – regarding its members’ true nature and intentions.  When I speak of the American left, I am talking about 90% of the Democratic Party, 90% of mainstream media, and 90% of Hollywood.  Old hippies dominating public education have indoctrinated these people into hating our Founding Fathers’ divinely inspired vision for America.

As a black man who is grateful and proud be an American, I realize that my country has made mistakes.  But praise God, we always try to right our wrongs.  This truth is undeniable.  I could name numerous incidents of our Christian roots compelling America to correct her wrongs.  The most glaring example is Americans electing horrible president Barack Hussein Obama for two terms mainly because he is black.  And still, the American left sells its absurd, evil, and divisive lie that very little has changed for blacks in America since slavery.

In a nutshell, the American left looks down on us.  They believe they are smarter, more sophisticated, and more compassionate than everyday Americans.  Please note that leftists’ compassion is always about making themselves feel and look good, giving themselves brownie points for supposedly caring more than the rest of us.  Leftists never really help people or find real solutions.  As a matter of fact, when white commentator Bill O’Reilly brilliantly and compassionately offered solutions to black-on-black crime, black poverty, and black out-of-wedlock births, the American left gang-assaulted O’Reilly.  Shut up, white boy!  You don’t know what it is like to be black in this horrible racist country!   more here

10 Comments on Defining the Enemy in These Final Days before the Midterms

  1. It’s truly a shame that more Americans can’t see through these people. They’d be reduced to a small and irritating gaggle of malcontents that the general public would view as clownish imps.

  2. People are aren’t rabid Leftists but who vote Dem are generally low-energy, willing to accept as truth what is offered to them. I asked my mom about some political issues, all she knows comes from ABC, CBS, etc. news and morning shows. She is ignorant because she doesn’t actively pursue all sides of a story, she of course wants to help people and is told that the Democratic Party is the party of helping others. So she votes Dem, as so many do.

  3. Further to the first comment posted by HRC – that is why there is no more than ever social workers. Social work started in the 1960’s in Canada (if memory serves correctly) as a response to the poverty of the First Nations. Social work has not solved any problems, it has just expanded. Social Workers make between $ 50-65,000 per year. Why would they want to improve outcomes for their “clients”?

  4. Last evening I saw a political ad on tv that was outrageous. Various people in different locations around the world were shown, their was a picture of Putin on the wall in one scene. Other scenes made it clear they were all supporters of various tyrants around the world.

    In the final scene all of them are applauding Trump. Followed by a message warning that voting for Trump is voting for someone approved by the worlds despots and the people who support them. I did not catch what group created and paid for the ad. And I’ve only scene it once.

    The creators of the ad have conveniently forgotten that it was BHO that groveled before &’kissed the bottom end of every thug dictator he could during his loooonnnng eight years in the WH.


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