GP: A radical anti-police activist found out the hard way what happens in her utopian world where cops are nowhere to be found. Not surprisingly, she is finding sympathy hard to come by.
Darcie Bell, a San Francisco woman who has spent years touting her support for defunding law enforcement, revealed on Saturday that thieves had stolen a massive U-Haul truck in San Francisco containing all of her belongings and begged for help.
Bell then dared to blame U-Haul for supposedly failing to have GPS in their trucks. U-Haul calmly responded by urging Bell to contact authorities and provide the police report afterward.more here
Touch sh!t lady, I have NO compassion to your lame brain self imposed problems. By the way, I can sell you the Brookland Bridge at a really good price.
While she’s looking for her shit, have her gaze upon my empty field of ‘give-a-fucks’ for it is barren.
try calling antifa-gs, blm, cair, etc.
The first thing that came to my mind is the Tom Hanks laughing scene from the Money Pit. What a stupid bint!
Guarantee you that this stupid bint sees no irony in this situation whatsoever. She has the emotional maturity of an 9 year old. In her warped mind, it’s perfectly consistent to hate and undermine the police and still expect them to protect you and your stuff with their lives.
At all levels of society, the west is quickly devolving into a failed experiment in the folly of politically empowering women, most of whom are clearly too stupid, shallow, or childish to grasp the basics of building, growing, and maintaining a successful society. They have introduced the concept of suicidal empathy to the management of western society while treating abortion, divorce, and cuckholding as competitive sports. And they’re moving on to pederasty and child transing next. The 19th amendment has been a complete disaster.
The irony is delicious. 🤤
Last I checked, SYMPATHY was between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.
Gee, what a shame…
I believe Jellybean has the solution for her.
And…she thinks having a tantrum like a five year old will help her case. LOL!! Yeah, cuss out the police, UHAUL, even the thieves that took her worthless crap really don’t care now.
^^^That’s me. Typed to fast.
Love it when the left are victimized by their own Marxist policies.
So she was moving out of San Fransisco?
Maybe if she told the thieves that she/it hates the cops too they will know she’s “cool” and they’ll bring back her stuff.
I would be a nice, understanding cop and tell her: See You Next Tuesday.
I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear what you were mumbling. You have a diaper attached to your face.