Defunding Police isn’t working out for Minneapolis- They’re bringing in outside help – IOTW Report

Defunding Police isn’t working out for Minneapolis- They’re bringing in outside help

‘Defunded’ Minneapolis to bring in outside help to deal with surge in violence amid police shortage.

LET: MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey has asked for outside agencies to help police the cities following a weekend of bloodshed and violence in a city grappling with a shortage of officers and increasing violent crime.

At a news conference Sunday, the Mayor said that reinforcements for the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) are “”really, really critical”:

“Safety in our city has to be a priority.”

Minneapolis has lost numerous officers to resignations and early retirements in response to defunding efforts in the city following the May 2020 death of George Floyd.  more here

17 Comments on Defunding Police isn’t working out for Minneapolis- They’re bringing in outside help

  1. You gotta marvel at the kind of supreme morons who think that “Justice” means granting crime and blatant racism as the new black entitlements and then wondering why crime skyrockets afterward… And then thinks the cure is taking everyone’s guns away from them.

    There really is such at thing as being too stupid to live.

  2. Notice that he is not asking allied neighboring agencies to lend a hand, they would all tell him to eat a bag of dicks and eff off.

    I guess they could request the National Guard from the governor but what a great message that sends, we as your elected leaders suck at our jobs and can’t protect you, we need help.

    And on a related note President Houseplant is having George Floyd’s family for a sleep over at the WH commemorating the one year since their thug son died off a drug overdose. Maybe Biden can ask them for a loan.

  3. Any police force that gets asked for help should tell them to go fuck themselves. They dug themselves into this hole, let them dig themselves out of it.

  4. “numerous officers to resignations and early retirements”

    The exact same thing happened in D.C during the 2018 election.

    One may have nothing to do with the other, but the effect is the same..

    Interesting isn’t it..?

  5. “Johnson (father of slain college student) asked for calm, and to keep politics out of the discussion on ending violence.”

    How the hell is that supposed to work?

  6. The funny thing is, all those “outside agencies” the man-child mayor is asking for help? Where does he think all the cops who quit is disgust, went to work?

  7. It’s just another phase of the master plan. A police force that will do the bidding of the central planners without question, without pushback.

    Don’t forget that we thought Biden was insane to campaign from his basement. He’s sitting in the big chair right now.

    We’re underestimating our adversary in a very big way and it’s not going to end well for us.


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