DEI firefighter has insane message for any man she has to ‘carry out’ of a fire – IOTW Report

DEI firefighter has insane message for any man she has to ‘carry out’ of a fire

Would you be physically able to carry my husband out of a fire to safety?

31 Comments on DEI firefighter has insane message for any man she has to ‘carry out’ of a fire

  1. I’m just curious how many times we need to replay this? “Hulking” really? Fat bitches are not hulking. They’re just fat bitches. BETA males are incensed. She should know, I will not drag her confused vajayjay out of a fire.

  2. She should concentrate on tranny volleyball except she’s too fat to jump….

    I have a good friend who was a high ranking Sheriff in a county in Colorado and he still had to run an 8 minute mile every year…That fat blob never could….

    I have another friend who was with Denver fire for 25 years and his last two years were with the DFD fire academy. A fat, black pending hire failed the lowered/DEI academy standard 14 times and then sued for discrimination….

    On a related note, now that Newsome’s Presidential ambition are being burned alive, the faggot Governor of Colorado Gerald Polis has Presidential ambitions that must be crushed early on….Yes he’s believed to be the pillow biter…

  3. Ya know Willy, I’ve never met a Lezbo yet that didn’t think they were Gods gift to fitness. Pretty amazing really. It’s like, hey bitch, have you looked in a mirror lately? Crazy shit.

  4. @ Bad Brad….HA HA HA….I was at a friends wedding in Steamboat Springs Colorado and the night before we had beers at the Tugboat….A group of lesbians challenged people to an arm wrestling contest for beers….We drank free for a couple of hours….LOL

  5. Did you all catch it, the “narrative”? Yesterday, they’ve all settled on their talking points. Bass peppered her fire response updates with the phrase “natural disaster”. Surely, no one will blame her when she’s working so tirelessly and bravely to overcome a “natural disaster.”

    “They both reached for the gun.” – Billy Flynn

  6. Bad_Brad
    Monday, 13 January 2025, 0:07 at 12:07 am
    “I’m just curious how many times we need to replay this? ” will never be enough.

    This…person…is not openly derelict in her duty for discriminatory reasons, she is actively teaching her COMMAND to do the same.

    This is intolerable.

    She needs to be cashiered immediately, all her past “failed rescues” of men THOROUGHLY examined, and be brought up on murder under color of authority charges if ANY of them are even QUESTIONABLE.

    Fire departments operate on TRUST.

    No man, be he citizen or fireMAN in her command, can trust her.

    Would she say male FIREMEN shpuldnt have got into that situation.


    I would HATE to work for a bigot like her.

    But I wouldnt quit.


    …and one more thing.

    If the Ghanese Communist mayor gets just a LITTLE more pissed at her BOSS…THAT MAKES HER CHIEF.

    That should NEVER be allowed with a misandrist who openly flouts “her” Oath likr THIS…

  7. “Someone from the Fire Department looks like you”.

    …in a rescue situation, the only things I see in victim’s eyes is fear and panic. No matter how much they hate, all that shit goes out the window when they start smelling the hairs on their ass burning. They would eagerly reach for the hand of satan himself if it was their only way OUT of a fire.

    …about the only concession I will make to this concept is that women will be more forthcoming with other women about pelvic issues, pregnancy, and rape. Best to have a female medic or a female cop in a pinch get important information from them as there is a distinct difference in how they react then. This applies to traumitized little kids too, rightly or wrongly Nature says they react more positively to a female as a “mother figure” whether she considers herself one or not.

    There IS one OTHER place this can matter, more in a hospital than a prehospital setting.

    If you are a man and you see a REAL pretty nurse you never saw before come in, youre getting a Foley catheter.

    They are easier to pass in erect tissue…

  8. …I wonder how she’d feel about it if she was facing death and reached out to the Lord to forgive her sins and spare her from the flames of the hell she had sentenced herself to, only to have Him roll His eyes and say “yougot himself in the wrong place.” and walk away…

  9. “…that’s his own fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time…”

    That’s just a variation of “She was raped? Too bad. She shouldn’t have been there, and dressed like that.” Does this sick poser not hear herself blaming the victim?

    It’s sad and disgusting to watch all these bulldykes become ridiculous caricatures of the men they hate. In a way, it’s like watching children dress up in adult clothes, except we can’t laugh at them because DEI has given them Anthony Fremont power. And when people are dying because of their conceit, it is no laughing matter.

    To paraphrase Harry Callahan, “ A good woman always knows her limitations.” This is not a good woman, and she’s an even worse man.

  10. …in response to that, let me put a little more flesh (heh) on a comment I made on an earlier thread about how you SHOULD handle patients you are not physically capable of handling yourself.

    I was driver one night when we got a call to a township we contracted with that had been built sometime around FDR’s first term, and was comprised of what was then an affordable housing mix of shotgun shacks and tiny two stories. On this particular call we found a very large man at the bottom of a
    very narrow wooden staircase who was ~500 lbs, diabetic because of that, blind because of THAT, and was also quite drunk which was the inciting incident that led to the tumble in the first place. He was pretty bruised and broken, and my skinny little 160 lb cracked ass and my partner’s couple hundred were not going to be up to the challenge of bucking this chunk out of the fully sub ground, windowless basement he had tumbled himself into with any degree of safety to OURSELVES let alone HIM in his damaged, degraded state.

    It was not an option to simply regard it as a “situation he shouldn’t have gotten himself into”, though, although if ever that argument COULD be made, it would be THIS guy.

    No, we started to splint and bandage and tape and manage vomit and airway while calling back for a rescue truck for manpower, tools, and a Stokes basket. These are the large red ones you often see in use on mountain slopes dangling from helicopters while they extract lost joggers and twisted skiiers from the situations THEY got themselves into. Not super common in my bucolic Suburban district, but it did come up from time to time and that’s why we had it. It was a little bit of a challenge to get understood by Dispatch over his drunken singing and punctuating screaming, but somehow
    we got through and had a truckload of eight stalwarts and a basket in the fullness of time, along with ropes and other tackle.

    Long story short but including that we had to remove the rail from the staircase, strap the guy in backboard, C-collar, splints and all VERY securely in the basket with a blanket
    wound tightly around his torso to keep some, ahhh, fleshiness under control, and turn it SIDEWAYS with its quarter-ton load laughing, screaming, and ralphing the whole time, until we got it out, used a pallbearer carry with everyone on the Stokes to get it to the squad, then depositing same on the cot with the rails down as the whole idea of transferring him to the frankly undersized and unfortunate little rolling bed was ludicrous on its face; then we hooked him to onboard systems and paraded over to the hospital with rescue truck in tow where we carried him in a more normal attitude and removed him from the Stokes on request onto a more size-appropriate hospital bed, to our relief and the dismay of the house staff in the ER.

    Yes it was a challenge.

    Yes it was his own fault.

    But whatever else his failings, he was a human being with a worried wife and we were sworn medics with a duty to do, so we did it without complaint or reservation, although admittedly being a bit nonplussed from time to time.

    That’s what you do, if you can. Get help. We are a team, train as one and operate as one.

    But what about situations where there isn’t time to summon a phalanx?


    …were the basement on fire, considerations about immobilization and secondary exam would have gone out the non-existent window and we would have done
    other things that we trained for like blanket drags, jacket drags, and making an impromptu rescue harness with the little sack of rescue rated rope we all carried. There would be little concern for preserving the house structures under such circumstances, and it would have been painful to us and to him, but we WOULD have gotten him out.

    Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.

    But we would NOT have abandoned him to his fate under ANY circumstances.

    Despite the fact he didn’t look like us…

    …I worry about the kids today. I haven’t kept up but there seems to have been a seismic shift since I left away from the victim being paramount and towards treating it like any other job with hyper personal safety concerns and rules about hurt feelz.


    …People in pain are ASSHOLES. If conscious, they sometimes WILL curse you, they sometimes WILL insult you, they occasionally WILL loudly criticize everything your try to do for them and damn you to the deepest pits of hell in some cases, but it is literally the pain talking and its a coping strategy, and if you are NOT prepared for that then you really need to find a job at a florist or a DEI office somewhere, because firefighting is DEFINITELY not for YOU…

  11. (lemme try this again. Curse you, no EDIT feature and lack of proofreading!)

    …I wonder how she’d feel about it if she was facing death and reached out to the Lord to forgive her sins and spare her from the flames of the hell she had sentenced herself to by her own actions, only to have Him roll His eyes and say “you got yourself in the wrong place.” and walk away…

  12. Kcir – THANKs, DJT REMOVED Justine Turdette
    Monday, 13 January 2025, 13:08 at 1:08 pm
    “Not one decent Titty among the 3 of em…”

    …perhaps not, but there ARE three boobs…

  13. Kcir – THANKs, DJT REMOVED Justine Turdette
    Monday, 13 January 2025, 13:08 at 1:08 pm
    “Not one decent Titty among the 3 of em…”

    …but since they are lezzies, as Bree Larson would say, those are not made for you…

  14. “…I wonder how she’d feel about it if she was facing death and reached out to the Lord to forgive her sins and spare her from the flames of the hell she had sentenced herself to by her own actions…”

    SNS- LOL. No argument from me.

    You know, it’s like they say, ‘not everyone will be saved.’

    But I always pray that people would get right with Jesus before it’s too late.

    I had a disagreement with someone a while back who said, (very smugly. And smug irks me to no end), that no Jew would ever get into heaven no matter what *shakes fists*, because they don’t accept Jesus. And I’m like, who are you? A judge? You have made the decision FOR Jews? For any other non believer? What about Messianic Jews? The culturally Jew but converted to Christianity Jew? Sheesh. I mean, give a person a chance to make that decision for themselves instead of acting like it’s already too late. Pray for them, or go speak to them personally, before you send them to hell. (And he didn’t even acknowledge that there are cultural Christians right now who pay NO attention to God, and much less, Jesus.)

    Yes, some people will not be saved. But not because some guy said they won’t be, and because he has cursed them with his opinions. It’s because those ‘some people’ refuse to be.

    And yep, the alice the goon lookin’ fire deputy may be one of those. So I pray she stops her worship of DEI and turns her full focus on the LORD. I pray this for ALL creeps in the government, too. Even if I still suspect they’ll be wearing a smoking jacket in the afterlife. LOL.

    EDIT: SNS, I don’t mean to say I compare you to that guy I was talking about.
    I just had a thought and let it roll. lolol

  15. MJA
    Monday, 13 January 2025, 13:53 at 1:53 pm

    …as far as Jewish folk go, the Bible is pretty clear on that.

    “26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

    27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.”
    Romans 11:26-27

    …tell your buddy who is not me to put THAT in his pipe and smoke it.

    If he doesnt like this irrefutable, New Testament proof that there will in fact be Jewish people in Heaven, then he needs to fold his hands and take it up with Jesus the Jewish Carpenter Himself.

    I didnt write it.

    …and good for you praying she finds the way. Thats what we SHOULD do. I mostly want her kicked out of Emergency Services; whether shes kicked out of Heaven is happily not up to me, although her own words and deeds to date would suggest she may have some difficulty booking passage…;)

  16. …also, when Jesus was dying on Calvary, He made the following request;

    “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
    Luke 23:34

    …doesnt sound like he wanted to condemn the Jewish people to eternal damnation to ME…

  17. Look how much money could be saved by not using Narcan on drug addicts who OD. After all, they got themselves into that situation.

    I’m also glad she was no where near 9/11.

  18. My former neighbor Frank who turned out to be a tranny and renamed himself Jennifer looked and dressed like Alice the goon. One time he/she snuck up behind me while I was changing a flat tire on my car in front of my house and startled me when I turned around hearing a deep male voice and confronted it looking like Alice the goon. He moved away shortly there afterwards; the unfortunate part was he had a daughter who was the same age as my youngest daughter. I don’t know what happened to them as I never saw them again.


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