DEI Meet MEI: Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence – IOTW Report

DEI Meet MEI: Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence

Granite Grok

While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policies are nowhere near gasping their last destructive breath, recent shifts in corporate appreciation for them have waned significantly. Stockholders and stakeholders spurred more than a few publicly held companies to rediscover the benefits of eliminating unproductive labor costs—of which DEI policies and those hired to enforce them are not just unproductive but counterproductive. A culling that has left perhaps thousands of people with no other skills wandering the landscape like deadheads after Gerry Garcia died.

I suppose they could learn to code, hoping some ideological descendant of Joe Biden will find a way to make someone else pay their college debt. Whatever pursuit finds them, drive thru’s need staffing too; my suggestion is that they embrace this new old thing. more

7 Comments on DEI Meet MEI: Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence

  1. My promising engineering career was almost destroyed by a DEI push at the corp I work for 20 years ago.
    I was assigned to help a young woman engineer get out of a really bad design effort that she screwed up because she wasn’t ready for the challenge. Suddenly, she moves on to a role in marketing at the instant the TSHTF. I spent a year band-aiding her screw-ups and people started blaming me. By then the damage was done. I should have quit and found a new job somewhere else but I thought I could move past it by busting my ass even harder. I lead project teams developing major innovations but it didn’t help.

  2. Fullmetal: If the same people are in managment, they are not to be trusted to have the intelligence necessary to direct the company. Fire them all and bring in the MEIs.

  3. DEI has been in effect for a couple of decades.
    It has just lately been codified.

    In the gov’t, probably 50% to 65% are absolutely worthless – and in some organizations (see: FBI, ATF, CIA, Education, HHS as examples) the percentage is higher.
    Unions are another haven for the lazy and the worthless, as are Academia and the Media – might as well throw in the legal “profession,” too.
    From what I’ve seen of corporate America (phone company comes to mind), my guess is that the percentage of worthless employees is growing, thanks to the codification and formal adoption of DEI.

    The gov’t simply will not allow corporate America to back away from DEI, whether formally or informally, because it makes the welfare rolls appear smaller.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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