Delingpole: Best Climate Change News Ever – No More Coldplay Tours – IOTW Report

Delingpole: Best Climate Change News Ever – No More Coldplay Tours

Breitbart: Finally, ‘climate change’ has revealed its true, heaven-sent purpose: Coldplay are so worried about it that they have decided not to tour their new album.

The pantywaist band’s chief-bedwetter, singer Chris Martin has said that he doesn’t want to take their show on the road till he can be sure it’s carbon neutral.

“We’re not touring this album. We’re taking time to see how our tour can be actively beneficial.”

So let’s make it our mission to show Chris that this is an impossible dream: the jet flights; the pantechnicons transporting all that gear; the fossil fuels powering the lighting rigs and the sound systems… more

16 Comments on Delingpole: Best Climate Change News Ever – No More Coldplay Tours

  1. so, they’re not going to use machines, that rely on electricity, to sell their new album?

    … just tryin’ to help them become ‘carbon-neutral’

    (all you ‘woke’ folks, the best way to show your ultimate ‘carbon-neutrality’ (neutralness?) is to assume room temperature for the rest of your life … go ahead, try it, impress your friends)

  2. Sparks:

    So what, he’s a jerk? I hear? Music is good. And he’s RIGHT about this. Those concerts are a complete waste.

    But I am more of a studio produced listening guym anyways.


    Happy Friday night! There is a God made sparkle show tonight make sure you watch!

  3. Two things shamelessly stolen from WMAL Larry O’Connor, one from Larry, one from a caller.

    And I paraphrase.

    Caller: Should the band’s fans book 20,000 individual flights from across the planet to attend a concert in the band’s hometown in order to save the planet to see a hometown concert?

    Prior to that….o’connor. What other environmentalist ‘rockers’ should follow Cold Play’s lead and stay home?
    Springsteen, was followed by many other caller entries.

    Typed on iphone. I am admittedly a type/no edit guy. Let’s see how this goes.

  4. @PHenry – you are coming over loud and clear. You did better than I could ever do with a phone!

    They, these virtually signalling SJW’s musicians, are all about to be called out now. It kinda started out in 1966 when the Beatles stopped touring for different reasons.

    I suppose Chris and Co. may be using this as an OUT. Meaning touring and that life is not good.

    Playing arenas gets boring and tiresome after awhile I guess.

  5. @ghost of brig gen j glover
    I agree- they might be morons but coldplay has done some fantastic albums.

    My favorite is their first one actually.

    Not touring is their loss- ticket sales typically make up a LOT of money.

  6. One thing that needs to be considered are the jobs and trickle down and the economic loss of the bar, restaurant, or deli joints before and after that venue(s).

    Those local economies will be affected. All things must be considered in these decisions.

    All those grips, carpenters, electricians, sound engineers, etc…gee those private pilot salaries?? How bout those re-fuelers?

  7. I don’t know anything about them. I turned off the radio and went to tapes and eventually CDs after High School in 1994. And even before ’94 I was on Classic Rock stations. I’ve probably head them — but never knew I heard them.

  8. chuffed-beyond-words,

    How are ya btw? Getting there?
    I remember you had a major Dad, I believe, loss not too long ago.

    (not sidelining the thread, just wonderin’).

    This is my only way of checking in on IOTW peeps.


  9. Coldplay doesn’t play music, either in the studio or stadium, just noise.

    There is no tune in their songs. Nothing that could become an ear-worm. There has to be a catchy tune for that.

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