Delingpole: Britain’s Trump-Style Revolution Has Begun – IOTW Report

Delingpole: Britain’s Trump-Style Revolution Has Begun

Breitbart London: 

This is it — the moment we’ve been waiting for. The moment when the Brexit rebellion finally began.

“Enough of this pissing about. Enough lawyerly excuses and Civil Service prevarication and Remainer politician manoeuvrings. We voted Brexit. Now give us Brexit. Give us Brexit, strong and hard, Boris!”.

That, in a nutshell, is what the people of Britain have been saying this week. Except that the way they have expressed it is in the context of another issue entirely. Instead of talking about Brexit, everyone has been preoccupied with two other “b” words — Boris and the burqa.

But make no mistake, it is Brexit that is the underlying reason as to why Boris Johnson v the Burqa has been dominating the British media’s news agenda with such extraordinary persistence all week.

Like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914, the Boris and the Burqa business is just a pretext for the inevitable main event which was always going to happen in one form or another, only till it happened no one knew quite how or when.

This is why I’m writing about Boris and the Burka for the third time in a week. Not because I think it is in and of itself a particularly important story but because of its massive broader significance.

If this rebellion goes the way I hope it goes then the effects will be seismic indeed. What it will mean is that Britain — glory be! — could soon find herself in a position as envious and covetable as the United States under Donald Trump.

Get this one right and Britain, once more, will be a force to be reckoned with. We’ll have the chance to become more prosperous, proud and free than we’ve been since the days of Empire.

Get this one wrong and it’s pretty much game over for this particular corner of Western Civilisation.

Let me just recap on the story so far.  more here




SNIP: A little more here —

Poll: Most Brits Back Boris After Burqa Row, Say Free Speech Threatened.

5 Comments on Delingpole: Britain’s Trump-Style Revolution Has Begun

  1. Leftie Brits should LOVE Boris Johnson being in the news – they get to reuse the Trump balloon with only minor cosmetic changes.

    But then, it was purchased with other people’s money so what do the lefties care about re-purposing?

  2. the “liberal democrat” model championed in the last few decades by everyone from Hillary Clinton to the European Union is really just communism without the secret police, bread queues and gulags

    Some of you ugly Americans need to explain to Mr. Delingpole how to Goolag Google

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