Delingpole: Hurricane Michael Was Not the Third-Strongest Anything – IOTW Report

Delingpole: Hurricane Michael Was Not the Third-Strongest Anything

Look, everyone knows hurricanes suck, so no need to lie about the data.
In the attempt to childishly attack president Trump, it becomes a hit job on science itself.


Big Government: What do you do when you need an extreme weather event – any extreme weather event – to prove that Donald Trump has got it wrong on climate change?

Simple. You do what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) did today and turn a fairly ordinary hurricane into a record-breaker.

Yes, according to NOAA’s figures the hurricane was indeed – as Breitbart reported – the strongest to make landfall in the continental U.S. ranked by pressure.

But Tony Heller smells a rat.

I was watching the storm and the commentary this morning, and long before landfall Michael was officially declared to be a catastrophic category four hurricane (just below category five), the most powerful to ever make landfall “in that region” – and the third most intense in US history after the 1935 Labor Day hurricane and Camille in 1969.  It was a genuine pre-hurricane category four propaganda storm.

The NOAA wind gauge at Panama City didn’t back up any of the claims.  It showed a peak sustained wind speed of  62 knots before the eyewall arrived, and minimum pressure of 937.5 mb. Neither remotely close to the hype. MORE

h/t Really Enraged.

9 Comments on Delingpole: Hurricane Michael Was Not the Third-Strongest Anything

  1. 62 knots?!! That doesn’t sound right…it’s about, what, 80mph???

    THE DAMAGE SHOWN in the photos of the area could NEVER have been caused by that low a force…it’s about (actually, LOWER than) what hit my place last year with Irma…and I only lost a few shingles.

  2. I am (frankly) surprised that NOAA would inflate their figures…. no, not really.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. The wind speeds quoted by the people who have access to the measuring instruments never mentioned at what altitude those winds were occurring. They weren’t at ground level, of that I have no doubt.

  4. Similar to many recent hurricanes, Michael was exaggerated by roughly 2 categories. It had SUSTAINED winds indicative of a CAT 2. This proves once again that progressives can’t be in charge of anything. They should stick to artistic endeavors, where they can function in their fantasy world.

  5. 62 knots is only about 71 mph or a Cat 1 … the windspeed at landfall was most likely higher (duh!) … but measurement of destruction is predicated on many factors, including sustentation, time, building quality, etc.

    … & if you are going to rely on US Gubmit wind gauges, that probably haven’t been calibrated in over 50 years, you’re probably not going to get accurate information to begin with

  6. There appears to have been a significant storm surge that was accelerated as it passed between large structures built along the beach front. Not much evidence of extremely high winds, as many trees remain upright with little to no loss of leaves or fronds. The only other thing that could explain the fickle pattern of destruction would be a very strong tornado embedded in the hurricane’s eyewall (some quick googling shows that it is a definite possibility, though never “officially” observed).

  7. It all gets really damn old, hurricanes are always the worst and cost of damages is always a record and caused because of climate change/global warming. Every big tornado is always the worst and costs are always historic and caused by climate change/global warming. Every flood is always the worst in history and costs are always historic and caused by climate change/global warming.

    You can show them pictures of tornado damage that flattened towns back in 40’s and 50’s and they say not as many houses, businesses were destroyed and the costs were nothing compared to this one. No shit, there weren’t as many people and shit didn’t cost as much back then. You tell them about a tornado just as big that traveled just as far back in the day that just didn’t hit a town and they say it cause this kind of damage. Well again no shit, it didn’t hit a city, just a bunch of farm land and nobody has ever cared about a dozen or so rural folks who lost everything.

    I’m pretty sure we will never have a historic flood because in order to beat the largest flood ever, everyone will be dead.


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