Delingpole: We Voted Boris Johnson, We Got Pol Pot – IOTW Report

Delingpole: We Voted Boris Johnson, We Got Pol Pot

Breitbart– Friday was World Environment Day, apparently, and, to celebrate, the leader of the world’s fifth-largest economy has promised to commit green suicide.


Whilst we are all rightly focused on beating coronavirus, we cannot lose sight of the need to protect our people and our planet from the devastating threat of climate change and biodiversity loss if nothing is done. 1/4

In what way are “our people” threatened by climate change?

Where is the evidence, outside debunked computer modelled projections, that climate change represents a “devastating” threat?

Still, Boris’s ridiculous tweet is almost worth it for the comments:

 · Jun 5, 2020

Whilst we are all rightly focused on beating coronavirus, we cannot lose sight of the need to protect our people and our planet from the devastating threat of climate change and biodiversity loss if nothing is done. 1/4

Mike Winstanley@MWINSTANLEY66
Fine words – but your credibility is on the line. Allowing #BlackLivesMatter to take over the streets like a bunch of rent-a-mob triffids is no way to retain the support of those who continue to follow the #COVIDー19 rules. #WorldEnvironmentDay2020


12 Comments on Delingpole: We Voted Boris Johnson, We Got Pol Pot

  1. In one way, we should be thankful for official narratives.
    Because whenever we hear a politician utter one of them, it’s the surest way we have to deduce they are nothing but a lying piece of shit. Because every official narrative is a lie.

  2. Triffids. He said “triffids”. Excellent reference.
    We could only wish and hope that triffids would invade GB and the rest of Europe.
    Just like wishing for the SMOD.

  3. Just break out Yersinia Pestis (Bacteria for the Black Plague) and have done with it you fence sitting poncey Poof
    Either live in the modern world or sell your shit and make yourself a hair shirt and go live in the bushes.
    The polluters are Africa China and India. Go bother them

  4. @Walpurgis

    Yes, we American conservatives are the last best hope for freedom.

    We have a historical background of love of freedom, independence, self-improvement, and low reliance on government (still too high) that other countries can’t match.

    It’s up to us to save freedom from world-wide tyranny.


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