Deliver Us from Evil Democrats – IOTW Report

Deliver Us from Evil Democrats

American Thinker-

Lloyd Marcus

Despite 30 million Americans losing their jobs, domestic violence and suicides on the rise, Democrats and fake news media are terrifying Americans into believing the lockdown must continue. These evil people are fully committed to using the coronavirus to stop Trump’s reelection.

I scratch my head thinking, “Don’t these wacko leftists realize that if they destroy America, their livelihood is destroyed as well?” Democrats and fake news media’s hatred for Trump and his voters and their desire to block him from making America great again, again, overrules logic. Their behavior is like the wicked queen in the Disney Snow White movie. Her hatred for Snow White was so great that she sacrificed her beauty, transforming herself into an ugly old witch to deceive and destroy Snow White.

Democrats and fake news media will sacrifice America if it means destroying Trump. These people must be defeated.

Sadly, half the country still does not realize that Democrats and fake news media are tag-team partners in transforming America into a socialist/communist nation.

Before my lifelong Democrat dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd E. Marcus passed away at age 90, I tried to inform Dad that his workingman party had been hijacked by 1960s hippies. Hippies (Democrats) also took over Hollywood, mainstream media and public education decades ago. Consequently, they created a generation of young adults who hate America, hate the God of Christianity and believe their parents are stupid, racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Long gone is the mindset of the TV show, “Father Knows Best.” “Family Feud” game show surveyed 100 people. “Who would you ask for advice?” Not one person of those surveyed said they would seek counsel from their father. Wow! MORE

12 Comments on Deliver Us from Evil Democrats

  1. I try to stay positive, but this article makes me wonder what’s to become of my beloved country. It’s like a black and white Gunsmoke episode, you get about two or three minutes into it, and you say to yourself, this isn’t going to end well.

  2. Well, Miss Kitty, at least this is hopefully not a 60 minute elongated episode padded with scenery, riding on the range, and long stakeouts designed to make room for ten extra minutes of commercials.

    Unlike my Zenith Space Command TV, I can’t turn this episode off. I’ll just be glad when it’s over. But The Twilight Zone is on next. Getting drunk at The Long Branch is my only other option. You buyin’?

  3. @Bad_Brad May 14, 2020 at 5:15 pm


    Some people are slow. Some say that math is hard.

    So, when there’s a storm of results, some (claim? they) can’t see the design.

    But. When they come right out and say “I worship the process, that guarantees evil wins.” Even a math is hard tard, knows where it ends.

  4. It’s not just America. It’s the whole world. This may end up being the greatest leftist mass murder in history when all is said and done. They may end up killing more people with this terrorist attack/lockdown then all the 100’s of millions they’ve killed in the last couple centuries.

    Pray they fail. Pray we reopen before it’s too late. Pray it’s not already too late.


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