Delta Asks DOJ to Put Anti-Mask Passengers on No-Fly List – IOTW Report

Delta Asks DOJ to Put Anti-Mask Passengers on No-Fly List

What about the pro-mandate Karens who cause bodily injuries to un-jabbed/un-masked?

EnVolve: (Associated Press) Any person convicted of a disruption on board a flight should be added to the national “no fly” list, Delta Air Lines told the U.S. Department of Justice.

In a letter to the Justice Department Attorney General Merrick Garland dated Thursday, Delta CEO Ed Bastian said there should be “zero tolerance” for any behavior that affects flight safety.

Bastian noted that while such incidents of bad behavior represent a small fraction of overall flights on Delta, the rate of incidents on the airline has increased nearly 100% since 2019.

“This action will help prevent future incidents and serve as a strong symbol of the consequences of not complying with crew member instructions on commercial aircraft,” Bastian wrote in the letter furnished to The Associated Press by Delta Air Lines.

Delta has, along with its industry partner Airlines for America, been pushing since last year for heightened reporting, investigation and prosecution of those who interfere with on-board safety.

The airlines, based in Atlanta, said it has put nearly 1,900 people on Delta’s “no-fly” list for refusing to comply with masking requirements and submitted more than 900 banned names to the Transportation Security Administration to pursue civil penalties. more

18 Comments on Delta Asks DOJ to Put Anti-Mask Passengers on No-Fly List

  1. Masks in general are admittedly stupid even by the CDC itself, but EXTRA stupid on an airplane or other public transportation.

    I just flew back fm Montana including a 3 hour 45 minute punishment leg from SLC to CVG in steerage on a plane apparently stuck in low gear as the center seat “swimmer” passenger in a glorifed bus with my knees under my chin the whole time, so I had plenty of time to reflect on the medical fetish thing we all were forced to have splayed across our buccal cavities the whole time, particularly this:

    …when this rotted COVID clambake started, one thing they said a lot was that doctors and nurses had to be TRAINED to wear a mask properly because ot changed how you did normal things.

    One of these is sneezing or coughing. If you’re dealing with a patient, particularly with an open wound and you sneeze, you do NOT turn your head, but rather you FACED THE PATIENT DIRECTLY.



    …so, if I’m sitting center seat in this highflown cattle car and I sneeze while wearing a mask, guess where the sneeze goes?

    Aisle seat…Window seat…I’m looking at YOU, kid!

    …so very, very stupid.

    So stupid that it proves this was NEVER about a VIRUS, and it never WILL be.

    This is just Delta’s version of airborne medical dinner theatre.

    With the worst dinner imaginable.

    …maybe the masks are meant to distract from THAT…

  2. For a nation that considers itself “scientifically advanced” we certainly behave foolish with our knee jerk, border line tyrannical paranoia towards a virus that appears to have run it’s course and is in decline world wide.
    Our self proclaimed betters and their mob have persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, and guilt tripped us non stop for two years with their spurious ‘Covidian Science’.

  3. I refuse to fly anywhere, on any airline, unless it’s an utter family emergency.
    But when I do, I will be prepared, with my own mask……a military gas mask. Guaranteed to frighten children and Karens. I envision the stews and pilots asking me to remove my mask. Uh-uh. Nope. You want a mask? I’m wearing a mask. A more effective mask then those cloth and paper face diapers. BFYTW.

  4. @ Anonymous FEBRUARY 7, 2022 AT 11:00 PM

    Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your trip to Texas to campaign against some of your other fucking socialist commie libtards?

    Go fuck yourself you smelly cunt.

    Your grandmother can’t even wait for you to kill yourself.

  5. SNS – “I just flew back fm Montana including a 3 hour 45 minute punishment leg from SLC to CVG in steerage

    I decided almost ten years ago that I would never fly “steerage” any where, ever. If I can’t afford a seat up front, include me out.

  6. Of course there should have been the word “again” after the word “ever” in my comment above, duh. I have flown steerage many, many, times. I’m done with that crap.

  7. Mrs radiomattm
    FEBRUARY 8, 2022 AT 1:33 AM
    “SNS – “I just flew back fm Montana including a 3 hour 45 minute punishment leg from SLC to CVG in steerage”

    I decided almost ten years ago that I would never fly “steerage” any where, ever. If I can’t afford a seat up front, include me out”

    …under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but this was a last-minute family emergency “get” in a plane packed with happy Bengals fans, and under the circumstances I would have travelled in a pet carrier to get there and back if necessary, and at times it felt like I had.

    The poor section of the plane gets to the same place at the same time as the rich one tho unless there is a SERIOUS failure, and statistically first class is less likely to survive, but there is something said for a tall guy like me and legroom.

    The only way it could have been less pleasant is if the seats faced backwards and we were chained to them and given oars to row the plane theough the sky. My one day mission to a part of the world I never planned to go to was successful, however, so in this particular case, any plane was better than none…

  8. So right now Jet Blue and Southwest are the only two airlines with any sense.
    The two most expensive airlines.
    Oh well, guess we’re spending that extra $75 a person to go to the free state of FL!

  9. BAR
    FEBRUARY 8, 2022 AT 9:41 AM

    …it’s a reference to the base class in old transcontinental ocean liners like my ancestors came over in to escape a political famine. It’s transportation, but it’s pretty basic…

    “I’ve never been on a plane and don’t plan to start.”

    …I didn’t want to either, but it was either that or a week in a car driving through totally unfamiliar Northernmost states in January, so ya gotta do what ya gotta do…


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