Delusional Dems think Fetterman and Feinstein fit to serve – IOTW Report

Delusional Dems think Fetterman and Feinstein fit to serve


Once upon a time we mocked the Soviet Union for its gerontocracy. Aged party leaders, bundled up in overcoats and fur hats to the point of near-unrecognizability, would be wheeled out to sit, immobile, as parades passed or party congresses opened. Their withered, stale leadership was emblematic of the decaying USSR’s withered, stale ideology — and industrial base.

But now the joke’s on us. A leading United States senator, Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), can’t seem to remember important things, like her just-taken vote on a judicial nominee and her just-announced retirement. “Did I vote for that?” she asked an aide Wednesday, moments after leaving the chamber.

The day before, the oldest sitting senator announced she wouldn’t seek another term — or her staff did, anyway. Asked about her coming retirement an hour after the statement posted, Feinstein said, “Well, I haven’t made that decision. I haven’t released anything.” A staffer told her she had. As The Post reported, “an incredulous-sounding Feinstein” said, “You put out the statement?” before telling reporters, “I didn’t know they put it out.” more

18 Comments on Delusional Dems think Fetterman and Feinstein fit to serve

  1. “Delusional Dems think Fetterman and Feinstein fit to serve”

    …there we go again, letting them control the language.

    They serve only themselves and satan.

    What they do to US is rule.

    And if you look to the stories of inbred kings and queens and assorted mentally ill tyrants throughout history, they are in that historical context suited to do THAT very well.

    Because God gives each nation the rulers it deserves.

    See 1 Samuel 8, Daniel 11, Revelation, and pretty much the rest of the Bible for further details.

  2. Democrats are all interchangeable anyway.

    All of them vote in lockstep for whatever they are told to vote for, with minor defections only allowed when outcomes are certain and only to establish a “maverick” lie for electoral purposes.

    It doesn’t matter if its Feinstein, Fetterman, or Incitatus the horse.

    All will do as they are told regardless.

  3. Neither of them could pour a Coffee at Dunkin Donuts without Scalding the Crap out of the customer but they are Fully Qualified to Shit on Committees & vote on Policy. (not a spelling error)

  4. All the democrats want are brain dead voters and politicians that they can talk into anything they want. That’s why they want low educated people pouring in over the border and kids 16 yrs. of age.

  5. If you got rid of all the bumble-fuks in gummerment there would be no one left. It seems there us a race who can be the stupidest & get elected. Free ride on clown train, next stop Washington DC.

  6. They maintain the pretense because we have no one to shout “The Emperor has no clothes!”
    We’ve forgotten how to point and laugh.
    When confronted by this absurdist charade, parading as reality, we lower our eyes and hum the “Looney Tunes” music.
    I guess that’s how Russians coped back in the 20s.
    I guess that’s how Germans coped back in the 30s.
    I guess that’s how the chinks coped back in the 50s.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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