Dem Congressional Candidate Convicted of DUI Trashes His District in Arrest Video – IOTW Report

Dem Congressional Candidate Convicted of DUI Trashes His District in Arrest Video

Big Government: A Democrat congressional candidate in Georgia convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) this week trashed his district in video footage of his arrest.

Recently released video footage of Steven Lamar Foster, 61, who is running as a Democrat against incumbent Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA) in the November election, showed him trashing his district while police officers arrested him:

“Eleven years I served this county. I hate this county. I prayed to God that he would curse it. And guess what? He did,” Foster allegedly said, according to the arrest footage from September 2017.

“Man, I saw it hit and cursed, and I saw people laid off right and left—white people. I hate this county,” he added.

A jury found Foster guilty of DUI on Monday, and a judge ordered him to jail without bond until his sentencing next Tuesday.

Even though Foster has been convicted of the offense and his comments about his district have been made public, he is still listed on the ballot, and his campaign manager said Foster has not signaled any intent to drop out of the race.  MORE

7 Comments on Dem Congressional Candidate Convicted of DUI Trashes His District in Arrest Video

  1. I watched the other day, the fool just kept talking himself deeper in the hole. The next morning he must have woke up and said “Oh sh#t, what did I do”
    He was a glimpse into the mind of a democrat when uninhibited. It’s an ugly place.

  2. “In Vino Veritas.”

    Should be required for EVERY politician.
    Their contempt is obvious in their Legislation, but that doesn’t seem to be enough for most people – the peeps demand something even more obvious – Obola and the Dems trashing of the economy, bowing to tin-pot dictators while disparaging America, and actively striving to destroy America didn’t impress most peeps, and the asshats went on their merry destructive way for 8 years.


    If this guy lays low for a while, he’ll be OK.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He is young (in relative terms Di Fi, Mad Max, Nancy P all make him look like a spring Chicken), he is a self loathing white person who, at this time, has no rape allegations against him. I’d say he is the Democrat top contender for 2020.

    Biden better start some opposition research against the guy post haste. Note to Biden- reports of “Golden Showers” and links to Russia has been played out. Link him to pizza gate; that might still have legs but only if you provide some real proof. You’ll have to run the cost benefit analysis on that one Joe. And by Cost benefit I mean if actual Hillary people go down do you want to die in a mugging gone wrong or shooting yourself multiple times in the back of the head?

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