[Dem Debate] We only have 12… no, wait… 10 years to stop global warming!!! – IOTW Report

[Dem Debate] We only have 12… no, wait… 10 years to stop global warming!!!

Breitbart: Fact Check: Pete Buttigieg Claims Without Evidence Only 12 Years to Stop Global Warming.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg is wrong to say that Americans only have 12 years to address climate change before it becomes too late.

Buttigieg claimed during Tuesday night’s 2020 Democrat presidential debate that America and the world only have 12 years to address climate change.

However, some leftists claim that the world only has 14 months to address climate change.

Further, it appears that many scientific publications have claimed that there are many different dates through which the world must address global pollution before it’s too late.

Popular Science claimed in 2017 that the world only has three years to address climate change.

In 1992 at the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, climate summit, climate activists said that the world only had ten years to get climate change under control. more


But, Pendejito O’Rourke says there are only ten years left.


¡Diez años!

“I listen to scientists and they’re very clear. We don’t have more than ten years to get this right, and we won’t meet that challenge with half-steps or half-measures,” he said.

14 Comments on [Dem Debate] We only have 12… no, wait… 10 years to stop global warming!!!

  1. Learn from recent history and ponder that
    Al Gore (of “The Earth Has A Fever” fame) and
    con artist extroidinaire swore we would see NYC
    already underwater by 2017. The poles and glaciers
    were not supposed to be around and the oceans were
    to be covering all the coasts and islands.
    With that snake oil for sale he went on to make
    100 million dollars in his flim-flam “carbon credit”
    market that has shut down due to the fatal embarrassment
    of the fools who invested in it.

  2. Same lies by the same suspects.
    Blah, blah, blah.

    Global Warming
    Global Cooling
    Climate Change
    No more Polar Bears
    Last of the Seals
    Snail Darter
    No more Eagles
    Doomsday Clock
    The Final Solution

    It always – ALWAYS – boils down to “give my your money!”

    After 75 yrs (or 100 or 1000 or 2000) why do some of us still fall for it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. John….Al Gore has never been held responsible for yelling “fire in a crowded theater” which is why this crap continues. By the way what ever happened with the Mann/Stein lawsuit?

  4. Hey libs – if you could all just go away and powwow until you come to a consensus on exactly how much longer we have, we would be happy to wait.
    Particularly since there is zero chance you will come to any agreement. Well other than Orange Man Bad.

  5. Meanwhile, over at CNN, south bend is explaining the smudge on his forehead, as if that’s news in any remote part of the galaxy.
    Didn’t read it; just assumed he can’t even do a dirty sanchez without screwing it up.


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