Dem Efforts to Eliminate Filibuster Suffer Major Blows – IOTW Report

Dem Efforts to Eliminate Filibuster Suffer Major Blows

DanBongino: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell celebrated the apparent death of a Democratic effort to eliminate the legislative filibuster after two Democratic Senators indicated they would not vote in favor of the measure.

“Today two Democratic Senators publicly confirmed they will not vote to end the legislative filibuster. They agree with President Biden’s and my view that no Senate majority should destroy the right of future minorities of both parties to help shape legislation,” McConnell said in a statement. 

“The legislative filibuster was a key part of the foundation beneath the Senate’s last 50-50 power-sharing agreement in 2001. With these assurances, I look forward to moving ahead with a power-sharing agreement modeled on that precedent,” the statement continued. read more

13 Comments on Dem Efforts to Eliminate Filibuster Suffer Major Blows

  1. MSNBC Headline 13 hours ago (on YT): “McConnel Folds, Drops Filibuster Objection, Signals Readiness For Rules Resolution.” Is McConnel flip-flopping or is this just more fake news from MSNBC?

  2. Good job Yertle, you historically monumental asshole!
    You gave up an enormous political advantage, a consequential Presidency and the support of the legitimate, patriotic and productive half of the country, for what exactly?

    ESAD is the only civil thing to say to you

  3. The filibuster hangs by a thread, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Neither a paragon of principles.

    McConnell’s got to move quickly now to get dems on board a power sharing agreement before Schumer pressers the two dissidents to fold. You can imagining he’ll start with bribe of desirable committee seats followed by threats of primarying them both with the added weight of social media coming for their hides.

    If they can hold they’ll deserve a place among the “Profiles in Courage” for keeping the democrats from destroying the republic this time around.


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