Dem-imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation – IOTW Report

Dem-imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation


Stay-at-home orders aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus are now facing legal challenges from residents and state officials alike, alleging that some measures – mostly put in place by Democrats — go too far while the country gradually moves toward reopening.

California alone is facing at least a dozen lawsuits that include claims that the state has unjustly closed down gun shops and religious services, infringed on freedoms of speech and assembly by restricting protests, and one case where a resident alleges that being forced to remain at home constitutes forced detention without due process.

“We’re being challenged,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “All across this country, every single day, governors are being challenged, local health officials are being challenged, and it’s a spirit of collaboration. Those that continue to pursue things that put people in harm’s risk, you have to have stepped up efforts and enforcement and sanctions.”

18 Comments on Dem-imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation

  1. 14th Amendment
    Section 1.
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

  2. Hang in there, tyrant pols and judges. Delay the upstarts in court for a while. You’ll know what to do when they try to scare us back into submission with a SeCoNd WaVe of Wuhan WHO flu…

    “Mysterious new coronavirus outbreak hits China – 108 MILLION now back into lockdown”

    China hides their numbers for months and then suddenly blurts everything about a Second Wave of Wuhan flu? IQTT

  3. “…the due process clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law.”

    I would say, ultimately, the people themselves will have the final say as to when their due process has been violated.

  4. Some of the States are starting to think (I mean they could be, perhaps) that if the feds don’t finance their recovery, they’re going be treading deep water for a long, long, long, painful time. Others (D) don’t fall into the thinking class.

  5. When a republican issues an order, a judge nixes it before it can go into effect.

    When a democrat issues an order, a judge will finally say it’s unconstitutional after it’s the dem’s order has run out and is over.

    See how that works?

  6. It’s only upside from here as Americans finally are beginning to understand that our freedoms cannot be taken from an active populace but must be given away by a passive one.

    A second revolution is well underway as blue idiots wake up and feel the pain under the yoke of other blue idiots.

    God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. This crisis and the natural urge for a Marxist facist act out as a facist is purging their own ranks of mindless robots.

    Their selfish powergrabs and utter disdain for the other impacts of the crisis are driving millions of votes to PDJT.

    He will emerge from all the satanic slings and arrows yet again, stronger and with more support from formerly blue morons than any amount of campaigning could ever hope to do.

    In this crisis we are all George Washington.

  7. Geoff

    Irish and Kenny pull enough of of American Partisan that I have made it one of my mandatory visits each day. A few to many Trump haters because of the bump stock there.

  8. Always……

    Keep your mouth shut until your attorney shows up…..

    And ask for a jury trial…..

    for illegal/unconstitutional laws…… on jury nullification.

  9. You’re NOT being challenged, until the citizens start busting out their 2nd Amendment on your tyrant ass.

    Look up “August 1 – 2, 1946,” and see what a REAL challenge to your pointy head LOOKS like… 😡

  10. Regrettably, one of the most telling pieces of the story is that it is “mostly put in place by Democrats” line that caught my eye. Why are they seven pretending to still being in the Republican party?

  11. Praise God my husband, children and I put IL in the rear view over 5 years ago.

    Am I the only one that finds it delicious that the party that began to spread its cancer by using the court systems is now on the receiving end


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