Dem Mayor Admits She Had Expensive Affair With Head Of Security Detail – IOTW Report

Dem Mayor Admits She Had Expensive Affair With Head Of Security Detail

Daily Caller:

Tennessee Democratic Mayor Megan Barry admitted she had an expensive affair with her head of security detail using taxpayer dollars, according to a Wednesday press conference.

Barry, who is married, apologized for having an affair with Metro police Sgt. Robert Forrest Jr. and using nearly $33,000 of the government’s money on their travel expenses over the last 10 months. Barry claims that her trips as mayor of Nashville, Tenn. were for business, including trips to Paris and Athens. However, Barry does not think she improperly misused taxpayer money, NPR reported.

“I’m embarrassed, and I am sad, and I am so sorry for all the pain that I have caused my family and his family,” Barry said Wednesday. “I know that God will forgive me, but that Nashville doesn’t have to. … I hope that I can earn your trust back and that you will forgive me.”  more

22 Comments on Dem Mayor Admits She Had Expensive Affair With Head Of Security Detail

  1. Unfortunately, Nashville/Davidson County is a Libtard Island (like Memphis) in an otherwise conservative State. This mayor has proposed or has spent taxpayer money like there’s no tomorrow for absurd projects. Living here is becoming insufferable– traffic (bike lanes EVERYWHERE are creating narrower roadways and more dangerous driving- all in the name of being a “green” city), high property taxes and cost of living, and a failing public school system at which more and more money is thrown. Thanks, Democrats. And bite me, Megan Barry. 😡

  2. “The police set the policy for the kind of detail coverage that a mayor gets, and I have been the recipient of that. I have taken trips that have included detail and those trips have always been for business.”

    Because nothing says potential kidnap victim like being the Mayor of Nashville. What is the big threat, one of Blake Shelton failed contestants on “The Voice” might go after her? A failed country singer act in Greece might take her hostage because of broken record deal?

  3. She takes full responsibility provided there are no consequences.

    I guess we could ask if Sgt. Forrest Hump provided the same sensual services to former Mayor Karl Dean.

    She’s been burning up the Twatter feed since her admission. Making sure everybody is still voting for her $10 billion dollar light rail project, ensuring there’s plenty of goat yoga studios for the homeless and such.

    She’s a repugnant bag of snacks but she’ll have to be pulled by her hair out of office.

    Rumor is she’s had more pens dipped in her ink than a Mont Blanc factory and once she hard works her way through the “sleaze” that’s coming, that everyone will understand and she can get back to her all expenses paid skankorama.

  4. She can’t help but bring her California ways with here. Nashville native, born and bred, our once great city is now clogged up with carpetbaggers, effete buttnuts and damn Yankees.

  5. So much arrogance, idiocy and blasphemy all in one sentence:
    “I know that God will forgive me, but that Nashville doesn’t have to. … I hope that I can earn your trust back and that you will forgive me.”

    She ‘knows’ that God will forgive her?!! Hope she has that in writing, signed and notarized.

  6. The best and brightest of Nashville do not actually live in Davidson County. Nearly all of the country artists Nashville is famous for live in Brentwood and Franklin in Williamson County. Charlie Daniels is from Wilson County. Johnny Cash was from Sumner County. I’m in Rutherford County, just happy happy happy she’s not my mayor.

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