Dem Rep. Brenda Lawrence No Longer Supports Trump Impeachment – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Brenda Lawrence No Longer Supports Trump Impeachment

The new talking point is “censure”.

Newsmax: A Democrat in the House has changed her mind on the impeachment probe of President Donald Trump and does not want to see him removed from office.

Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Mich., spoke with Michigan radio host Charlie LeDuff and said she can’t “see the value” in removing Trump from office — particularly with an election less than a year away.

“We are so close to an election,” Lawrence said during the Sunday interview. “I will tell you, sitting here knowing how divided this country is, I don’t see the value of taking him out of office. But I do see the value of putting down a marker saying his behavior is not acceptable.

“It’s in violation of the oath of office of a president of the United States, and we have to be clear that you cannot use your power of the presidency to withhold funds to get a foreign country to investigate an American citizen for your own personal gain. There’s no way around that.”

Lawrence said she supports censuring Trump, who is the subject of an impeachment investigation over claims that he used his office to coerce Ukraine to investigate his 2020 rival and former Vice President Joe Biden. more here

14 Comments on Dem Rep. Brenda Lawrence No Longer Supports Trump Impeachment

  1. …first of all, he didn’t do that.

    …secondly, you didn’t say anything when JOE not only DID do that, but publically BRAGGED about doing it. No censure THERE.

    …I guess you’re saying only Democrats are allowed to extort?

    …still, nice read on the handwriting on the wall.

    …but you’re STILL going to swing after the Civil War you’re helping push us into.

    …we’ll be hunting Democrats with dogs then, to completely eradicate the cancer you embrace.

    …prepare for your airdance. It’s coming…

  2. Thanks SuperNightShade, I’ve not read this in a while but it is a perfect description of what will happen to obama and liberals in general.
    Daniel 5… 25 “This is the inscription that was written:

    mene, mene, tekel, parsin

    26 “Here is what these words mean:

    Mene[e]: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

    27 Tekel[f]: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

    28 Peres[g]: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

    And her parsing of words and her attempt to impeach will not bode well for her and at least 30 other democrats in congress. Trump will get another 4 years. Praise God. But, this country has been under demonic attack for decades and Christians gladly took the back seat, lulled to complacency. This will stand no longer. The exposure of perversion, especially child sexual abuse, has awakened a sleeping giant. BTW, I saw a pic of Bloomberg with Ghiselle, Epsteins pimp. I wonder what will come of that?

  3. Did anyone really believe this idiot. If so, then you’ve been served a slice of ghost apple pie. Lying and flip floping is a hallmark of Demwits. Lawrence just hadn’t received her marching orders from Pelosi yet and thought getting 15 minutes of fame was too tempting to pass up.

  4. “… his behavior is not acceptable …”
    What “behavior” is that?

    Why does no one in the “press” ever ask them to explain EXACTLY what the fuck they’re talking about? Same with the “racism” meme, and the “sexist” meme, and the other bullshit lies – they can’t identify ONE SINGLE INSTANCE to support their lies! But they persist in spouting them and the “press” just sits there sniffing their fingers and licking their palms.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. After 8 lawless years of the obozo clown show (not funny since he could’ve ended the world as we know it– except he’s is stupid and lazy), when these ‘public servants’ saw no evil, smelled no evil, heard no evil, NOT A SMIDGEN !
    no one in their right mind could give a shit what they think.


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