Dem Rep. Gregorio Casar, who defunded Austin police, under fire for requesting enhanced patrols around his home – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Gregorio Casar, who defunded Austin police, under fire for requesting enhanced patrols around his home

BPR: In what is being blasted as the “height of hypocrisy” for Democrats, a progressive congressman is under fire for requesting police patrols at his home after previously calling to defund the same department.

Just days after Rep. Gregorio “Greg” Casar of Texas openly criticized the Austin Police Department, and following his stint on the city council where he called to defund the same department, Casar reportedly “requested enhanced patrols around his house,” according to the Austin Police Retired Officers Association.

“It’s come to our attention that Anti police king of the defund movement in Austin @GregCasar who only last week called APD an agency with racist practices has requested enhanced patrols around his house for the next week,” APROA posted Tuesday on X. more

10 Comments on Dem Rep. Gregorio Casar, who defunded Austin police, under fire for requesting enhanced patrols around his home

  1. What’s worse is that these leftist liberals apparently can’t see the hypocrisy in such stunts. Let these entitled dumbasses fend for themselves like they’re forcing the regular citizens to do. They’re all anti police, anti self defense and anti gun. He deserves no special treatment beyond what he advocates for the citizens.

  2. Another filthy fukkin hypocrite.

    He’ll still get elected and re-elected because his constituency sees nothing wrong with hypocrisy – if they even recognize it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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