Dem Rep Holds Town Hall at Gun Club Under False Pretenses – IOTW Report

Dem Rep Holds Town Hall at Gun Club Under False Pretenses

That didn’t go so well.


[…] While Stevens may have wanted a photo op in a gun club to use against the NRA and defenders of the 2nd Amendment, many patriotic Republicans crashed the event, and it did not go according to plan. The event was abruptly halted over an hour before it was scheduled to end, and Stevens ducked out shortly afterward instead of facing one-on-one questions from her constituents. MORE

8 Comments on Dem Rep Holds Town Hall at Gun Club Under False Pretenses

  1. Filthy deceitful bitch. She wanted to go back to her friends and brag about how she went into the heart of the beast but she had to tuck her tail feathers and scurry off like the coward she is.

  2. Democrat U.S. Congresswoman Freaks Out, Shouts Down Pro-Gun Constituents

    No – Democrat U.S. Congresswoman Freaks Out, Shouts Down Pro-US Constitution Constituents

  3. Ooh, she used that word “bipartisan” again. Bipartisan, of course, meaning “Republicans doing what Democrats want them to do.

    Speaking of which, Mitt Romney had another post on FB talking about how evil Trump is regarding the Ukraine charade. Normally he gets some support in the replies. There were barely any this time.

  4. Everyone on the Left addresses laws to be used against decent, law abiding, honest gun owners that are not anti-social violent Berserker’s, and that same everyone refuses to even mention who is actually doing the killing and why they are doing it so something realistic can be done about it.

    Wonder why?

  5. She’d better never, ever try that at my gun club. Believe me, it wouldn’t be a pleasant experience for her. We have over two thousand members and NRA membership is required.


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