Dem Rep. Ro Khanna: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Pay $15/Hour Minimum Wage – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Ro Khanna: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Pay $15/Hour Minimum Wage

Red State: Democrats really have forgotten the American worker, they are so intent upon pushing their agenda for control.

We’ve already seen this in the first moves from Joe Biden which weren’t about helping Americans or America, they were all about radical agendas over climate change and immigration. For example, Biden canceled the Keystone Pipeline not caring how that it would throw thousands out of their jobs during a pandemic where the economy was already under stress.

Now in Biden’s virus “relief” bill he’s pushing for the big ticket Democratic agenda item: the $15/hour minimum wage.

Biden apparently doesn’t give a darn if that causes businesses to fold or that it will throw people out of work, he’s bowing to the wishes of the left.

So what do the Democrats think about these legitimate concerns about their radical policies?

CNN’s Abby Phillip asked Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and he showed just how clueless and evil their approach is. read more

25 Comments on Dem Rep. Ro Khanna: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Pay $15/Hour Minimum Wage

  1. Does he want businesses that pay $15 per hour on paper but tell the employees,” Book 7.5 hrs work 12hrs or I send You back to India as I hold your passport.
    The Brampton, Ontario, Canadian way!

    Oh, And by the way you owe me rent for staying in the house where I warehouse you while pretending you are my cousin from the Punjab.

    That is how “some” people in the above mentioned region exploit their bretheren & countrymen.

  2. This echoes what Hillary said years ago about the same topic. She said she can’t be held responsible for under-capitalized businesses. she was cold and heartless then and that seems to be SOP for democrats in control.

  3. An exercise in irony: Khanna’s maternal grandfather, Amarnath Vidyalankar, was part of India’s independence movement, working with Lala Lajpat Rai, and spent years in jail in the pursuit of human rights and freedom.
    Welp, so much for the little guy!!

  4. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: some of the absolute smartest people I’ve met are Indian, and some of the absolute DUMBEST idiots are also Indian.

    He can stick his $15/hr min wage up his momma’s smelly sari.
    Biden’s Covid money spew includes giving Unemployment for another YEAR at a rate higher than many ever earned at their jobs.

  5. The Biden Kleptocracy joins forces with Big Corporate America to bring you $15 an hour minimum wage. Forty years from now that same idiot flipping burgers will retire from his life time job as a career burger flipper. They will give him an engraved participation trophy, some free burger coupons and his certificate. Then the new burger flipper will take his place and the cycle continues, except the minimum wage will then be $45 an hour.

  6. I’m curious about something. Now that we are approaching “WOKE” status, shouldn’t a biological female who identifies as a male get paid more than biological females who remain…female?

  7. “So if businesses go under and jobs are lost because of
    this so what because they should be paying more, he thinks.”

    His “so what” says it all. Minorities run millions of small businesses and hire mostly minorities to work in them. But this democrat numbskull doesn’t find any value in them. Conclusion: The Party of Asses doesn’t like ordinary working folks now and maybe never did.

    I believe the dumpocraps don’t give a damn about the group that used to be their biggest supporters – the workers. They are much more interested in pushing perversions on us, letting violent prisoners loose, destroying education and western culture, undermining the military and police, and gaining control of the huge corporations that are on the hook for the dumpocraps devilish programs.

  8. A few years back, Rush suggested:”Why not $50?”. I have stated it before and I will state it again, the minimum wage is zero! These globalists want to impoverish the masses in order to better control them. Pretty fukcing simple.

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