Dem Rep: Some Dems Want To Abandon Blue-Collar Voters – IOTW Report

Dem Rep: Some Dems Want To Abandon Blue-Collar Voters

Daily Caller:

Democratic representative Brendan Boyle revealed Monday that some Democrats want to completely abandon blue-collar voters.

“There is an element within the movement left that believes that we should just be the party of well-educated whites and racial minorities and leave blue collar swaths behind,” Boyle explained on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“I fully 100 percent reject that view,” Boyle made clear.  Watch

23 Comments on Dem Rep: Some Dems Want To Abandon Blue-Collar Voters

  1. “I fully 100 percent reject that view”

    LOL, now they have to explain and rationalize why they MAY have a RATIONAL thought that doesn’t align with the “normalized insanity” of the left.

  2. If I’m reading the map correctly it seems this congresscritter is in a district that was close to 50/50 in the 2016 presidential election. I don’t read his statement other than fear of losing his reelection.

  3. I think it may be the other way around. Blue collar voters are telling these hysterical clowns what they can go do with themselves.

    As for ‘college educated’, I think that phrase is rapidly becoming an oxymoron, as it depicts actual morons, who have become zombie pawns in the Left’s political games.

  4. Demonrats abandoned blue-collar workers under the F.D. Roosevelt Administration when that suck-ass went full socialist and dragged us into the incestuous “Battle of the Socialist Behemoths” aka WWII.

    The abandonment started under Wilson and was completed by Roosevelt.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Demonrats abandoned blue-collar workers under the F.D. Roosevelt Administration when that suck-ass went full socialist and dragged us into the incestuous “Battle of the Socialist Behemoths” aka WWII.

    The abandonment started under Wilson and was completed by Roosevelt.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “There is an element within the movement left that believes that we should just be the party of well-educated whites and racial minorities…”

    Does this sound to anyone else like the plantation owners and the plantation workers?

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