Dem Sen. Chris Coons Says American Troops Will be on the Front Lines in Russia Without More Aid for Ukraine – IOTW Report

Dem Sen. Chris Coons Says American Troops Will be on the Front Lines in Russia Without More Aid for Ukraine

You first, whore.

31 Comments on Dem Sen. Chris Coons Says American Troops Will be on the Front Lines in Russia Without More Aid for Ukraine

  1. We’re going to see full scale mutinies and rebellion if the start sending our troops into yet another meat grinder just to keep a pack of scumbag politicians rich. And many states will and should refuse to allow their National Guard units to serve in bullshit wars.

    Enough of this shit.

  2. I couldn’t be more disgusted with our selected officials and our government bureaucracy! Who the hell are they to threaten that they will send our children to war in Russia? These assholes need to spend the rest of their days in a foxhole in Ukraine.

  3. I joined the Navy so I wouldn’t be drafted in 1972. Working on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk or any other aircraft carrier then and now during full flight ops is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world but at least I wasn’t being shot at by the VC and the NVA. We should’ve won that damned war but the democraps and LBJ wouldn’t let us. There is no way in hell that any American troops should be fighting a war in Ukraine against the Russians. It’s not our damned war and we should stay the hell out of it.

  4. Without a stolen Presidential election there would be no war in the Ukraine. This is 100% a money laundering operation and Democrats and establishment Republicans are hell bent on keeping it going so they can milk it for every dollar they can.

    The Democrats didn’t steal the election on their own. The Republican establishment was up to their neck in it.

  5. God told us to wait, that he's got this, and look. REVELATION all around. You'd have to be a deaf Stevie Wonder to not see all the players and whose team they are on!! May God continue to keep Trump strong and willing to lead us.

    Well I think it’s just great that DE Sen Coons spoke out. It showed courage and singular fortitude! Not to mention that he had to take Shitpant’s dick out of his mouth in order to make that statement.

  6. Please Help with recall
    Who was that demon that lost the primaries
    Because of a big ole YeeeeeeeeEEAAAARArrrrrrrrrr
    We’re gonna win guys and go onto the next one and the next one. YeeeeeeeeeeeeARRrRrrrrrrrrrrrrrggghhhh!
    It was like decades ago and anyways,
    That guy was just now today on msNBC
    and guess what he was screaming?????








    “These people are sick”

    **check the record now

  7. Deceit, Deception, Fear and repetitive Propaganda are the tools used to move public opinion. The DNC & Biden Administration have excelled in the art of manipulation.

    Admittedly, As being done in Ukraine, when we have a weak kneed Congress the Government can do anything that the majority of American oppose. Including placing our Nation in $34 trillion dollars in DEBT.

  8. Remember when you could avoid the draft by going to Canadia?

  9. I have thought, since Russia entered what Ukraine calls its territory, that the US government focus and support (to the tune of billions) was to have a handy excuse at hand when China decides to seriously attack Taiwan.

    Taiwan calls Biden: Please help us, we’ve been invaded and got mainland communists up the ass over here.

    Biden: Well OK, I’ll see if we got a few extra bucks lying around I can send your way.

    Taiwan: We need more than as few extra bucks.

    Biden: Well, we’ve still got some Sherman tanks in museums, let me see if they’ll donate them to you. And Grumman Dive Bombers – yeah we’ve got some of them too.

    Taiwan: C’mon, what about modern jet fighters and tanks?

    Biden: So sorry we sent them all to Ukraine. Let me do this – I’ll call my friend Zelensky and see if he can spare a few to send to ya? Hows that?

    Taiwan: How is that? That is pretty effed-up and not the answer we expected.

    Biden: I promise after we beat Russia we’ll send you some more.

    Taiwan: You’re not at war with Russia.

    Biden: Oh yes we are….the Pentagon calls it a prickly war or something like that.

    Taiwan: You are having a proxy war and Ukraine is not going to win. Get real.

    Biden: Goodbye. Hangs up phone.

  10. Sending a bunch of war material to Ukraine is just part of it. We also left tons of valuable military equipment in Aphgania for cryin’ out loud.

    Like, what are we doing shit like that for? Unless to escape a war across the Pacific, a war we really don’t want any part of.

  11. If they send all the illegal-alien invading rat-people to fight the Ruskies, I’m all for it (with Coons leading the way doing his Patton imitation).

    Other than that, Coons can Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Coons is a commie from way back. He supported Russia back when it was Soviet Russia and the only reason the piece of shit ‘supports’ Ukraine now is the communists and Nazis are running the joint over there.


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