Dem Sen. Murphy: The People We Care About The Most Are ‘Undocumented Americans’ In This Country – IOTW Report

Dem Sen. Murphy: The People We Care About The Most Are ‘Undocumented Americans’ In This Country


Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Wednesday night on MSNBC’s “All In” that  “undocumented Americans” were the people Democrats cared about most.

Anchor Chris Hayes asked, “From my 20 years covering this issue, the trade is this, They want more border security enhancement, Democrats want a path to citizenship. This time around, the negotiation didn’t have a path to citizenship. It was entirely on their terms in order to get Ukraine funding, right.”

19 Comments on Dem Sen. Murphy: The People We Care About The Most Are ‘Undocumented Americans’ In This Country

  1. End stage cancer progresses to a point where it’s so obvious it’s no longer possible to ignore it or pretend it’s not there, no matter how much everyone including yourself may want to wish it away or remain in blissful ignorance because the reality is too hard to deal with.

    Unfortunately, by the time it gets that far, it’s too late.

    End stage Communisim is the same.

    That’s what this is.

    We’ve been degraded to where there’s no further point in even lying about it.

    It means they’re pretty sure they’ve killed us already and we can’t recover…

  2. Nope not “Undocumented Americans” it is illegal alien invaders. It is unknown how many sleeper cell terrorist have crossed the border. Also, Minnesota has already turned into New Somalia. How many other states will be taken over?

  3. OK, we are closely getting to the point where we are back to the Wild West.
    There is going to be so much trouble that the stasi has to skip over you to address a bigger problem. For example: In Illinois we have rent-a-pigs where communities can get a local policeman by means of dumpster diving. They can track you down and hold you at gunpoint because your front tire drifted onto the center white line and you end up with a $400 traffic fine. So when we get to the shootout corral, it might not be as bad as we think, providing we all keep up with our firearm training

  4. Americans now only serve as Tax Slaves that are never going to rise up. The politicians know they have us by the short hairs and can no longer vote them out, see voter fraud. How’s that trapped feeling going? New voters along with rigged elections are the cuffs.


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