Dem Sen. Tester: Was a Mistake to Halt Keystone Pipeline Construction — Isn’t Going to Turn Our Climate Around – IOTW Report

Dem Sen. Tester: Was a Mistake to Halt Keystone Pipeline Construction — Isn’t Going to Turn Our Climate Around


Tuesday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) acknowledged President Joe Biden’s decision to halt the construction of the Keystone Pipeline XL was a mistake.

Tester, a supporter of the pipeline, said he believes in climate change, but he does not think stopping the one pipeline is “going to turn our climate around.”

Host Poppy Harlow asked Tester, “Do you believe it was … a mistake for the Biden administration to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline on day one in office given the impacts of … 11,000 American jobs? Do you think it was a mistake?” more

h/t Not At All Confused

21 Comments on Dem Sen. Tester: Was a Mistake to Halt Keystone Pipeline Construction — Isn’t Going to Turn Our Climate Around

  1. It always amazes me how well sen. fester manages to dance along the fence rail, given his porcine nature. It’s his ONLY skill, which may explain why he’s NEVER carried his home county in any election at any level.

  2. I have relatives out now looking for the “land mines” in West Virginia.

    On top of Wolf’s proposal to increase PA state income tax (from 3.007%) to 4.49% this week has been pretty bad for workers in the Keystone state.

    But then again maybe they want us to become obsolete!

    Pennsylvania – another place the election was stolen from PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump.

  3. The Keystone pipeline replaces 4,357 tankers driving 2,687 miles a day burns 1,951,064 gallon of fuel or 712,138,579 gallons per year just to deliver fuel.
    I guess that’s somebody’s big green deal, but it’s not an environmentally sound one! The demmunist party is in somebody’s pocket to make America weak any way they can!

  4. Fuck John Tester. He’s completely full of shit. He’s saying crap like this to keep getting re-elected, but if it ever came to a vote in the Senate, the democrats would vote 100% to kill the pipeline, including that lying lard assed piece of shit Tester.

  5. Anyone who votes democrat or associates with the democrat party is PERSONALLY responsible for the treason and chaos in our country. PERSONALLY responsible.

    Same can be said for anyone who supports or associates with the scum of the Republican establishment.

    PERSONALLY responsible. Never cease to remind them.

  6. Remember when as a kid your life is destroyed when you finally find out Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Well these idiots will someday find out man made climate exchange is even faker than Santa.

  7. Fikken liar.
    There’s nothing about the Climate that mankind can change – it’s a function of the Sun.
    He knows it, the Globaloney Climate Change people know it, Greta Thunberg knows it, John Kerry knows it, and Al Gore knows it – which is why they all use petroleum products at a rate about 30x the national average.
    Nobody in public life can be that fikken stupid.
    Lying hypocrites – ALL.

    izlamo delenda est …

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