Dem Senate Candidate John Fetterman Releases a Doozy of a Letter From His Doctor – IOTW Report

Dem Senate Candidate John Fetterman Releases a Doozy of a Letter From His Doctor


Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and current Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman had a stroke in May shortly before the primary and fortunately, he is recovering.

But a lot of people, even some in the media, have raised questions because they feel they weren’t hearing the whole story behind the stroke from the Fetterman team–that the details that had been released indicated more serious issues that hadn’t been enunciated.

The Fetterman campaign had said previously that the pacemaker was helping regulate his atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm also known as A-fib, which led to his stroke in May. But outside doctors said that defibrillators are not used to treat A-fib, and questioned if he had another heart condition.

As Townhall noted, even Democrats were puzzled about what was going on because they weren’t getting answers from him on when he would be back on the trail. more

12 Comments on Dem Senate Candidate John Fetterman Releases a Doozy of a Letter From His Doctor

  1. lmao … Feederman is doing the Biden Rope-A-Dope strategery

    stroked-out, brain-drained, hiding in the basement campaign
    … bet he gets the highest vote total EVER in Pennsyltucky!

  2. A democrat is a born liar and as such there is no such thing as a pacemaker that would help regulate a tall tale, an exaggeration, an outright lie and not even A-fib.

  3. @Jellybean A democratpolitician is a born liar and as such there is no such thing as a pacemaker that would help regulate a tall tale, an exaggeration, an outright lie and not even A-fib.

    Fixed it for you.

  4. Liberalism is a religion.
    He’ll run and if he wins (with the help of Dominion?) he can stay in office for a year and retire with a pension for obvious health reasons and the Gov can appoint a replacement.


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