Dem senators cave and agree to meet with Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Dem senators cave and agree to meet with Kavanaugh

American Thinker: The #Resistance to the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by refusing the traditional one-on-one interview is crumbling before our eyes, leaving Chuck Schumer looking silly, petty, and ineffectual.  Trump Derangement Syndrome claims more victims.

Susan Ferrechio reports in the Washington Examiner:

For weeks it appeared Democrats were resisting the traditional sit-down with the high court pick.  They appeared to be following the lead of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who argued against in-person meetings until Republicans turned over requested documents from Kavanaugh’s past.

That was then. This is now:

“We are trying to work something out,” Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Tuesday when asked if she would be meeting with Kavanaugh.  MORE

3 Comments on Dem senators cave and agree to meet with Kavanaugh

  1. If they are going to be this way about The Romney of nominees, might as well send up a RWNJ and make Ginsburg dip into her reserve of Frankenstein body parts currently marching in Antifa riots and snipping baby necks in abortion clinics.

  2. Ha! Now that Trump has established that he will not back down because Dems whine and complain all over television like past Presidents and GOP Congresscritters did the Dems aren’t able to “Bork” every nominee that Trump nominates.


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