Dem Senators’ Emails With Baseball Shooter Won’t Be Released – IOTW Report

Dem Senators’ Emails With Baseball Shooter Won’t Be Released

[…] In the investigation that followed the incident, it was discovered that James Hodgkinson was not only a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders campaign, but a correspondent of numbers congressmen.  One such Senator, Dick Durbin, will not be publicly releasing his correspondence with the shooter, causing many to speculate as to the contents.  — MORE

18 Comments on Dem Senators’ Emails With Baseball Shooter Won’t Be Released

  1. Dems demand every possible thing there is to demand from Republicans, but I’d Dems have correspndence with someone who attempts to assasinate a Congressman it is nobodies business.

  2. Right and if the tables were turned and this was Republicans that had communicated with a psycho that ended up trying to murder a bunch of Democrats there would be mass hysteria on the fake news channels, demands for transparency, panel discussions for days and senate hearings.

  3. Not in defense of that useless scumbag Durbin, but he probably receives thousands of emails every week and a staffer reads and trashes them and he never sees them.
    That’s a dead end street. That they have been turned over to law enforcement is as much as we’ll ever know.

  4. Of course they won’t release the e-mails because someone in Durbin’s office told that drunken psychopathic piece of shit exactly when and where the GOP team was practicing.

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