Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting – IOTW Report

Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting

Breitbart: A New Jersey Democratic strategist is capitalizing on the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) by launching the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen, and he is showing no signs of backing down, claiming “the chickens came home to roost.”

James Devine, a longtime political strategist in the Garden State, tweeted in the wake of the shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Alexandria on Wednesday that “we are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people”:

more here

SNIP: Here’s a story on James Devine’s shoplifting charge back in ’13. What a winner:

Rahway political consultant, online blogger, charged in Linden shoplifting.

h/t Ratburt the Victorious.

James Devine’s
Linden Police Department mugshot

Take a look at the comments section where readers are offering up other incidents concerning Devine.

Devine sounds like a mental case.

21 Comments on Dem Strategist James Devine Launches Hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen After Steve Scalise Shooting

  1. One commenter very concerned he earned the Webalos badge as a young Cub Scout and wants someone to contact the Boy Scout of America to have his badge revoked!

    I believe a badge ripped from his sash is the least of his problems.

  2. Mr. Hunter. The supreme predator. I think not. Here’s what should happen to this weak sister. Tomorrow, as he’s backing his Lexus out of his driveway his side view mirror should be blown off. From a considerable distance. Next day, one of his tires should be sniped as he parks in his designated safe space parking lot for work. That following night, a round thru his big screen as he’s watching reruns from Obama campaign speeches while his wife jacks him off.

    Let’s see him tweet after that.

  3. Total derangement, since NJ is second in anti-2A only to NY.

    Friendly advice to this dumbass – you’re free to say just about anything you want, but STFU about taking people out.

    I tempered my disgust for the last eight years, and never made a threat on political opponents, so you can damn well do the same for the next eight (YES, EIGHT) years!

  4. He would better be described as a former consultant for the Democrat party. No candidate or Democrat or Democrat affiliated organization will hire that guy now. Even New Jersey Dems aren’t that stupid. If he was hired he’d become the primary issue in any election and would be used to destroy whoever or whatever he was working for.

  5. From his website
    He has a link to his Wickedpedia page
    Read the Wikipedia article about Democrat Jim Devine

    But it looks like they took the page down
    James J. Devine
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Look for James J. Devine on one of Wikipedia’s sister projects:

    Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for James J. Devine in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.

  6. Ever notice that most dems have a certain look that gives them away even before they vomit their views? They have a frumpy disheveled appearance and disorganized persona. Personal hygiene is just a sign to them of neurosis. If you were to take a stack of 20 pictures and asked to choose the political party of each. You could most likely hit about 80% accuracy.

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