Dem Virginia Gov Northam’s Anti-Catholic Appointee Resigns After Offensive Tweets Resurface – IOTW Report

Dem Virginia Gov Northam’s Anti-Catholic Appointee Resigns After Offensive Tweets Resurface


Appointee made jokes about pedophilia, abortion.

The Virginia Democrat appointed by embattled Gov. Ralph Northam to an advisory council resigned following public outcry about her history of anti-Catholic statements.

Northam’s office initially defended Gail Gordon Donegan, who made jokes about Catholic priests being pedophiles along with other derogatory statements, but she resigned Thursdayfrom the Virginia Council on Women.

Donegan’s tweets included statements such as, “Abortion is morally indefensible to Catholic priests bcuz it results in fewer children to rape”; “Go tell a Catholic they have dirt on their forehead”; “Saw a bumper sticker: ‘You can’t be both Catholic & Pro-Choice.’ Add: You can be a pedophile though”; and “Dr, lawyer & priest on Titantic [sic]. Doc: save the children! lawyer: f— the children! Priest: Is there time?”

The Richmond Times-Dispatch first reported the existence of the tweets on Friday. Northam’s office defended Donegan, citing her “years advocating on behalf of issues important to women across the Commonwealth,” adding that the governor “does not condone this language.” The report caused outrage among Catholics in the state.

“Ms. Gordon Donegan has a record of ridiculing Catholic beliefs and practices and trafficking in stereotypes that would disqualify her from this role had they targeted any other category of persons. Her statements are offensive to human dignity and fail to reflect the depth of character one would expect of a leader in our Commonwealth,” the Catholic Diocese of Arlington said in a statement.

Donegan protected her Twitter account after the tweets made headlines, according to the Washington Examiner. The Catholic Diocese of Arlington called her resignation “a welcome development.” more here

7 Comments on Dem Virginia Gov Northam’s Anti-Catholic Appointee Resigns After Offensive Tweets Resurface

  1. @geoff. Are you asking because I am also a Virginian or i am also a scumbag? 😉.

    This story was just beginning to get traction here so I hadn’t heard any details until now.


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