Dem wants Pelosi’s job because she isn’t liberal enough – IOTW Report

Dem wants Pelosi’s job because she isn’t liberal enough


LAT: Stephen Jaffe entered the cafe with a small grin, a riotous print shirt and the blithe confidence of someone who doesn’t much care if people think he’s crazy.

The 71-year-old employment attorney, a political novice, was one of many Democrats swept up in the fist-shaking presidential crusade of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Thus inspired, he’s now fixed his sights on winning a seat in Congress.

But not just any seat.

He hopes to knock off Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the current Democratic minority leader and a political fixture in San Francisco for nigh on 50 years.

Not by portraying her the way a succession of failed Republican challengers have, as the lipsticked embodiment of the ludicrous left.

Rather, Jaffe suggests Pelosi is not liberal enough or, for that matter, even a true liberal, a proposition that would be dismissed as outlandish anywhere other than San Francisco.  read more

10 Comments on Dem wants Pelosi’s job because she isn’t liberal enough

  1. Pelosi, A self-identified Catholic Abortionist, Progressive doesn’t go far enough.

    The democratic party will not be satisfied until they have a godless, genocidal (abortionist), communist leading their party.

    The democratic party hasn’t gone to Hell, it is in league with it.

  2. PS, spoke with a very high up member of Gun Owners If California today, a part of Gun Owners Of America and with the new addition to the Supreme Court the NRA and other groups have decided to make California ground zero for reclaiming constitutional rights in Cali and the North West.

  3. Given her weird speeches the past couple of weeks I don’t think she’s gonna make it to the next election.
    The longer she is a voice for the Dems, and the more infighting there is in the party, the better. Ugly noise for us to hear, but the only effect is to drive voters away.

  4. Yup, if you’re fired from your job because you’re a worthless piece of shit, “Better Call Jaffe.” He’ll make you rich and just take 33 1/3 percent.

  5. She’s not “liberal” (believes in Liberty) by ANY stretch of the imagination.
    She’s a batshit-crazy, greedy megalomaniac who wants to force her will, and her perverted ideology, on the entire United States, if not the world.

    She is one incarnation of evil – not THE incarnation of evil, mind you – just one of them. A middling sort of demon, so to speak.

    izlamo delenda est …

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