Dem Wisconsin Gov Introduces Bill Replacing The Word ‘Mother’ With ‘Inseminated Person’ – IOTW Report

Dem Wisconsin Gov Introduces Bill Replacing The Word ‘Mother’ With ‘Inseminated Person’

Governor Tony Evers faced accusations of offending and erasing mothers after he introduced a bill in which the word “mother” was replaced with the phrase “inseminated person.”

23 Comments on Dem Wisconsin Gov Introduces Bill Replacing The Word ‘Mother’ With ‘Inseminated Person’

  1. Although thrilling to witness, don’t forget that progressive/Marxist/Satanists are going to be compelled to go out in a blaze of glory as their aspirations crumble. Be vigilant and to the degree possible stay away from the dirty motherfuckers. For some it is going to be like this asshole, but progressives are violence prone attention seekers. Recognize that and for your own safety remain vigilant.

  2. Forgive Evers, he never knew his mother.
    She laid him as an egg, and when he hatched, he crawled out from under a rock.

  3. Yeah, Pete. I think he just included every male that receives in such manner.

    KJV Romans 1:27
    “27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”

    You’re not going to like your reward for that, Petey.
    You can’t B.S. your creator.

  4. We shouldn’t hate a man just because he wants to be a woman and get pregnant and have a baby and be a mother. Medical science is so advanced they can grow boobs in a lab and staple them, or attach them in some way to a man’s chest. For a female that wants one, they can grow a penis in a lab and sew it onto her groin. It’s no big deal anymore.

    Peace and Love is where it’s at, baby. For you uptight peeps here, smoke some grass and you’ll feel a lot better about it.

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